Just as the film begins to sound preachy, however, it takes a fresh turn.
An apocalypse-themed game that comes with an upbeat comic book urging green initiatives was similarly dismissed as preachy.
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Fry said the film "de-stigmatises without being preachy, and allows itself to be funny as well as truthful".
They are not pushy or preachy, but scepticism flavours nearly everything they do.
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Some also say that the show is preachy, even messianic, and that its research is not always up to scratch.
Cleave has said he used his novel to expose dark realities, and he did a masterful job without being preachy or sensationalist.
"We want to get the message across without being preachy, " Sullivan says.
New movement conservatives need to be less preachy and grasp a better understanding of what attracts people to a new point of view.
Playing safe means you go for the dull rather than the emotional, the read rather than the conversational, and the preachy rather than the interactive.
"I think the molecular approach is a little bit nonsensical, but the danger with the opposite is you are in danger of being too preachy and worthy, " he says.
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EU's institutions: not preachy like the Swedes, not difficult like the Danes, not over-ambitious like the Austrians, merely modest and purposeful, matching a sense of principle with a sense of proportion.
It is scholarly yet free of jargon, compassionate yet not over-emotional, moral without being preachy, stuffed with facts and figures yet brought alive by a myriad of vivid historical, contemporary and personal anecdotes.
It was ambiguous, he wrote, preachy and awkward.
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Unlike many other development and coaching books for young professionals, Life After College does not get preachy nor is it written like a lecture from that one college professor who talked FOREVER in a Ben Stein-monotone.
In the past two seasons, critics have dished up our share of Wynton compliments, as well as a few direct insults, calling the show slow, or preachy, or a little too in love with the city it portrays.