Each of the three bear markets preceding the current one has that same characteristic.
FORBES: Dow Never To See 2009 Lows Again But Gold Bull Has Miles To Go
Like bubble teams, they lose them in the weeks and months preceding the big moment.
More than 80 were killed in accidents in garment factories in the preceding year.
Yesterday afternoon I spoke to a Wisconsin manufacturers group, preceding Newt Gingrich, of all people.
You materially participated in the activity for any five of the ten immediately preceding tax years.
FORBES: Taxes From A To Z (2013): P Is For Passive Activity Rules
However, fewer children said they had been drunk in the preceding week than in previous surveys.
This release and the preceding one, Volume 21, make for an excellent introduction to the series.
The violence follows a spate of attacks preceding the country's provincial elections, set for Saturday.
Almost 45% of all stock market gains come in the year preceding an election year.
India imported 17.4 million tons of crude from Iran in the preceding financial year.
Nothing in the preceding discussion is intended as a prescription for Federal Reserve policy.
And you might wipe out the entire preceding 24-hour period, not just the bad stuff.
General Assembly established the IPCC in the months immediately preceding the fall of the Berlin Wall.
Berkowitz barely touched equities of financial institutions during the frothy years preceding the financial crisis.
Distinct from tax returns, FBARs are due each June 30 for the preceding year.
Historical data from the three major recessions preceding this one certainly supports this argument.
The daily OBV broke through resistance at line e in early April, preceding the strong gains.
Preceding their closing act at the Forbes conference was an assortment of Asia-Pacific's latest business tigers.
Just six months ago, in May, it was up only 1.8% over the preceding year.
FORBES: Good News Means No Recession, But Downturn Lingers On The Margins
An extended wave often travels 261.8% the distance covered by a preceding impulse wave.
In the two months preceding the crash, stock funds saw positive flows each week.
FORBES: Searching For Flash Crash Culprit, The SEC Fingers Wrong Man
What were Israel's representatives at the UN doing in the days preceding the vote?
The speed of the downturn was remarkable, given America's economic performance in the preceding decade.
Those skeptical of All Access point to its similarities with preceding competitors, of which there are plenty.
FORBES: Google Continues To Play Catch-Up With 'All Access' Music Service As Critics Sound Off
Another study in 2007 found that 22% had had personal experience of crime in the preceding year.
Rates are updated every May and November, and the relevant inflation data is released the preceding month.
Factoring in both, Okrent sees 1960 and the few years preceding it as baseball's true sweet spot.
During the first half of this year, exports nearly doubled over the same period the preceding year.
That was the case in the meetings preceding my two dissents in June and August of 1999.
In trials, run over the preceding two thousand years or so, this new system had always failed.
FORBES: Nixon Bowed Down To Ben Cartwright, Delivering Gold Standard-Severing Speech After Bonanza