Dr. Ferlic proposed a surgical intervention that reflects precisely the high-tech ethos of contemporary American medicine.
Cash is increasingly being hoarded precisely because there is a growing shortage of it.
But now, precisely because most money never exists in physical form, it acquires a detailed history.
What is more, it would keep logs of precisely what it was your child was doing.
FORBES: First There Was Apple's MapGate, Now Welcome ParentGate
It is impossible to verify who precisely is driving the demand for Chinese consumer goods.
Pensions often adjust their asset allocation at precisely the wrong time for the same reason.
In fact, precisely to address this objection, the program was structured to keep D.
This was "precisely because people have confidence that we have got a plan", he said.
More precisely, buy some exotic, expensive funds that take doubled-up short positions in Treasury bonds.
The patent-pending technology uses a laser beam's energy to precisely transfer the ultra-thin chips.
The euro forum, informal or not, is needed precisely to discuss, and possibly decide, these matters.
Mackey succeeds precisely because he does not live by organic seven-grain sprouted-wheat bread alone.
If you think spending is out of control, you are precisely correct, and conceptually wrong.
FORBES: Cutting Through the Spin: What Obama's Budget Reveals
It was the precisely the kind of gruff, plain speaking that appeals to Australians.
BBC: The shifting politics of same-sex marriage in Australia
And yet, the unintended effect of the absent inverted thumb has been precisely this.
One could argue that the shallowness of Fitzgerald's glamorous strivers is precisely the novel's point.
If so, the statute should spell out precisely when the defendant has the requisite scienter.
FORBES: Want To End The Litigation Epidemic? Create Lawsuit-Free Zones
The second well known point is that household income is precisely that: household income.
The official would not discuss precisely what type of activities was conducted at the undercover office.
It is precisely because the stakes are so high that a ceasefire has proved so elusive.
The power button, unfortunately placed on the top center, is designed precisely the same way.
Staffers are waiting for a ruling from the Office of Personnel Management on precisely this point.
This is precisely the kind of foreign aid that American taxpayers should be concerned about.
That price difference is precisely why Petronas is maneuvering to buy reserves in North America.
No determination has yet been made as to precisely what happened or whose forces were involved.
After every knot the threads must be cut precisely with a sharp, curved blade.
Or maybe it has done so well precisely because it lacked those rules, regulations and recourses.
She remembers the day Ines Madrigal was born, precisely because she was not there.
At precisely 20:00 local time (19:00 GMT) the doors of the papal villa clanged shut.
But that is precisely because reformers have focused their energies on the earlier grades.