Such a move would preclude him from having to appear during Muhammad's trial, which starts in two weeks.
CNN: Sniper suspects Muhammad, Malvo face each other in court
The DuPont settlement doesn't preclude Barr from suing the Delaware giant again.
In that case, British double-jeopardy laws likely would preclude him from being extradited to the U.S. to face similar charges, the lawyers say.
WSJ: Wife of 'Rain Man' Trader Accused in Libor Case Pours Out Tweets
Even if your responsibilities preclude you from completely ignoring e-mails, you can often minimize the distractions of a steady stream of incoming messages.
The terms of the agreement also preclude you from referring to this matter, unless a Court of Law could Order the re-examination of evidence.
Despite Defense Secretary Leon Panetta's announcement on Thursday, the military services maintain the prerogative to preclude women from serving in certain positions or occupations.
He realized while writing this article that not knowing how to do anything does not--and maybe even shouldn't--preclude anyone from writing a how-to guide.
The foreign-ownership rules even preclude foreigners from holding the top executive positions in American airlines in which foreign capital owns as much as a 49% stake.
This doesn't preclude someone from making tuners for Windows 8 Media Center, but it certainly does indicate what type of support said manufacturer can expect from Microsoft.
ENGADGET: Two more nails in the coffin for Media Center, start-up options and tuner certification
The imposition of a restitution order or any other monetary sanction herein, and the timing of such ordered payments, does not preclude customers from pursuing their own actions to obtain restitution or other remedies.
Also, last I checked, over 50 is not as old as it used to be and middle age to senior status does not preclude one from being hungry and full of energy and ambition.
Oral active versions of the narrower differentiation profiles mentioned above (agonists, dual pharmacology, conjugates) could be interesting, but gastric stability and adsorption may preclude those from working optimally and may conflate the risk profile.
FORBES: Innovation Snapshot: Macrocyclic drugs to unlock new therapeutic targets
While this vote does not absolutely preclude wrestling from being part of the 2020 Olympic program, as the sport can now petition to be one of the last sports to be added to the program, wrestling faces a tough battle for Olympic inclusion.
FORBES: How Cutting Wrestling From the Olympics May Impact NCAA Wrestling for the Best
Nor does it preclude a person from one day revealing all their attributes and faults publicly, yet the next day deciding to live a more private life.
Such an approach would preclude most capital projects from being undertaken in the public or private sector.
WSJ: Our Stadium Project Is Properly Done �� Letters to the Editor
But the ethics of this industry apparently do not preclude managers walking away from the disasters they have created.
FORBES: Everyone Wants Kool Aid: Pruning the Money Management Tree (October 29, 2008)
As a practical matter, it may even preclude the United States from acting in defense of vital U.S. interests.
Ratification would effectively preclude the United States from ever validating its nuclear arsenal via the only tried-and-true means: actual explosive detonations.
The fact that the promissory note was made out to the Zouheils as husband and wife does not preclude the trial court from determining the true status of the note.
The panel met to evaluate use of the novel device in patients with significant symptomatic mitral regurgitation (MR) who have been determined by a cardiac surgeon to be too high risk for open mitral valve surgery and in whom existing co-morbidities would not preclude the expected benefit from correction of the MR.
FORBES: FDA Panel Gives Tepid Endorsement To Abbott's MitraClip
And fierce opposition in certain quarters domestically did not preclude the Polish and Czech governments from doing the same.
CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: 'Reset' translates as 'capitulation'
His decision to ban all nuclear tests would preclude the U.S. from conducting even extremely low-yield tests (for example, those that produce as little of a blast as the equivalent of four pounds of high explosive) as part of the nuclear stockpile stewardship program.
Although the competing engines have to be functionally interchangeable, each will incorporate proprietary technologies and processes that preclude some aspects of life-cycle support from being competed at all.
FORBES: Why Adam Smith Isn't Welcome In The Defense Industry
R. 2403 does not preclude production of tritium or the recovery of plutonium from retired weapons, critical SNM needs will continue to be satisfied.
Moreover, they are disproportionately likely to come from the sort of chaotic backgrounds that generally preclude political engagement.
But he found instead that the ruling "does not preclude" the holders of non-guaranteed policies "from asserting... such contractual or other claims as they can establish", Mr Warren said in his report.
The plain fact that the London riots are being perpetrated by a non-Muslim demographic would not of itself preclude media outlets on the right, especially those in Europe, from immigrant-baiting and engaging in anti-jihad jeremiads.
FORBES: The London Riots and the (Non) Reaction of the Conservative Press
Nothing in this section shall preclude the Federal Bureau of Investigation, or other Federal law enforcement agencies, from continuing to use authorized, non-coercive techniques of interrogation that are designed to elicit voluntary statements and do not involve the use of force, threats, or promises.
WHITEHOUSE: Executive Order 13491 -- Ensuring Lawful Interrogations