That would be less preferable to Andreessen as CEO but still a pretty close second.
For couples, it's preferable that the higher earner delay taking Social Security as long as possible.
Other solutions are infinitely preferable - solutions that do not compromise unique and beautiful countryside.
It would be preferable for legislators to clean up the mess created by their predecessors.
Professors of both sexes judged the male candidate to be more competent and a preferable hire.
But one patient, Elaine Paige, said that for her careful face-to-face questioning was more preferable.
"Enabling the private sector to accomplish this goal is preferable to taxpayer funded efforts, " Churchill says.
This is a key reason many economists consider mild inflation to be preferable to mild deflation.
In other words, more quality educational play-time is preferable to more testing, measuring, and evaluating.
But the expense of new drugs is preferable to not having them at all.
WSJ: Should Patents on Pharmaceuticals Be Extended to Encourage Innovation?
Smart leaders understand an open position is preferable to filling a position with the wrong candidate.
This is preferable to snacking, says dietitian and nutrition blogger Jenna A. Bell.
In fact, they are preferable to ill-fated acquisitions, bad business decisions and lackluster product lines.
Some like to wind down with a scotch, for others a joint is preferable.
He thinks devaluation is usually preferable to raising interest rates to prop up a currency.
Conducting a plebiscite is not easy, but it is preferable to another 80 years of conflict.
After nearly four years of siege, even a flawed settlement is preferable to war.
Fighting a war on our terms is eminently preferable to fighting one on Iran's.
It should be clearly preferable to be a friend of the United States, not its enemy.
When it comes to papermaking, long fibres of cellulose are preferable to short ones.
It is always preferable to have the informed consent of Congress prior to any military action.
But that is surely preferable to the alternative: utter silence or uncritical support for the government.
That is surely preferable, say Bank officials, to a highly visible and possibly counterproductive regime shift.
For McGaughey, being the favorite in the Preakness is preferable to coming in as the long shot.
Having Cruz working with the group would be preferable, but the quarterback understood the business end, too.
But what if the cost of staying in the euro becomes so high that exit is preferable?
Different players have different skill sets, so giving everyone an equal shot at doing well is preferable.
It would be preferable that you get the testing to confirm or disprove the diagnosis of gluten allergy.
After much soul searching, I've decided that a plain marshmallow peep is preferable to one dipped in chocolate.
In fact, for the single viewer it might even be preferable to TV for certain kinds of shows.