Royce developed his disenchantment with glamour stocks and his preference for oddballs in the early 1970s.
Asked about the stock exchange wars, respondents showed a clear preference for the NASDAQ.
Voter preference for cost cutting over tax raising was pronounced in two other questions.
More and more, consumers are conveying their preference for fewer choices and simpler customer experiences.
High levels of infant and child mortality and preference for sons means that women delay sterilisation.
Notwithstanding my preference for financial measures, relative TSR can be a reasonable default measure.
And in terms of the 2010 elections, two-to-one preference for Democrats right now among the voters.
Perhaps a long-ingrained preference for permanence is being replaced by a desire for the perpetually changing.
Researchers have seen signs of a similar brain preference for sweet and fatty foods in humans.
Your loyalty strategy should move people beyond a non-committal preference for your brand to heartfelt dedication.
Men's preference for online shopping vs. real world retail may also help protect them.
Adopt a siting policy that states a preference for access to clean and renewable energy supply.
FORBES: Facebook Commits to Green Energy -- But Can It Deliver?
Readers of my blog will know by now of my preference for short-term, high-quality bonds.
Given their excessive preference for calls, options traders are clearly expecting another Street-beating report tomorrow morning.
"Since 1999 we have seen a preference for bilateral relations between ministers and officials, " he said.
Options traders, however, are showing an increased preference for calls ahead of the event.
The preference for free apps is markedly evident across both the Android and iOS platforms.
Assuming, of course, that a preference for one strategy rather than another is inherited.
ECONOMIST: Males can take many routes to reproductive success
The company must prove that it now has a preference for profits over market share.
After watching the clips, members will vote in order of preference for up to five choices.
The counter-clockwise direction of American tracks favoured Mr Antley's natural preference for his left hand.
Worldwide, there is a clear preference for tighter controls. 49% favour them with 37% against.
Mr Brown has already shown a striking preference for talking about education rather than health care.
ECONOMIST: Will Labour back-pedal on health-care reform in 2007?
Yes, I still want the highest rate of return possible given my preference for risk.
FORBES: Two Questions No One Ever Asks Their Financial Advisor But Needs To
The correlation between handshakes and favorable impressions goes beyond an interviewer's preference for a firm grip.
All in all, the Japanese preference for sticking with bank or post-office deposits seems entirely rational.
This preference for the coast was found both in the general population and among walkers.
BBC: People really do like to be beside the seaside, study says
As the Boomers approach retirement, they are developing a strong preference for income-producing securities.
He also stated his preference for using the military, not the CIA, to carry out such strikes.
The current generation of young professionals are showing a strong preference for buying experiences rather than objects.
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