"New York prehistory is filled with a lot of these small resource stations, " she said.
And indeed the finds have had a huge impact, sparking intense interest in Arabia's prehistory.
The same trend that appears in human prehistory shows up in history as well.
The remains investigated here span 3, 500 years of European prehistory, from the Early Neolithic to the Bronze Age.
Sharp a three-and-a-half-billion-year-old peak in the middle of the crater, with layered deposits like a textbook on Martian prehistory.
The reasons the artists chose to work there, and the purposes of their art, are lost to prehistory.
WSJ: Prehistoric but Far From Primitive | Cave Paintings of Lascaux | Field Museum | By Mark Yost
Prehistory fans should set their sights on Kasama, around 150km south of Mbala.
The giant ferns and trees of prehistory crowded in on a silver path that hovered six inches above the ground.
Modern human populations grew, Neanderthal populations shrank, and the rest is prehistory.
Michael Petraglia, professor of human evolution and prehistory at the University of Oxford has been working on the radiocarbon dating at Al Magar.
The traditional collection includes Buddhist art, metal works, calligraphy and watercolor scrolls, and spans prehistory to Korea's last royal dynasty, which fell in 1910.
Thanks to modern techniques for decoding genetic evidence, far more is known today about the great movements of prehistory than was suspected even a decade ago.
She conjures millions of years of human prehistory: small groups of hunter-gatherers wandering the savanna, and then congregating a few times a year at this or that watering hole.
Wolfe said that for its age, it is by far the best preserved, which is important in a region where glaciers have scraped other traces of prehistory off the map.
Once proudly held up as the earliest known Englishman, Piltdown is now displayed as a lesson from the past, of a prehistory of Britain and a stage of human evolution that never was.
Sitting on the warm sandstone at the top of Ubirr rock and peering over the edge to palm trees far below, I am dizzyingly aware that the scene before me has remained unchanged since prehistory.
We all want to know where we came from, but because our earliest beginnings are lost in the mists of prehistory, we have created myths about our forefathers that are not historical but help to explain current attitudes about our environment, neighbours and customs.
They each can pursue an independent existence but they are both different expressions of a more basic idea that special places ought to be circular, which seems quite natural to us, but large parts of Europe don't have circular monuments in prehistory.
For the first few seconds he can only stare at the impossibility blooming before him, and it is at this moment that he recalls one of his earliest lessons, a lesson learned in the prehistory of his youth, when he was still called David Henry, when he still bore his given names so ordered to honor the paternal uncle he would never meet.