On appeal, Skilling and Lay may argue that the evidence was unfair and prejudicial.
They have struggled over the years to tear down outdated values and prejudicial systems.
Defense attorneys don't like it because the testimony is so emotional they consider it prejudicial.
As none of the questions are prejudicial, the temptation to provide anything other than honest answers is removed.
This is not only "prejudicial to good order and discipline, " but could lead to the loss of lives.
Specifically, he wrote that the show violated a rule barring lawyers from making prejudicial public statements about criminal cases.
The Rugby Football Union has charged Armitage with "conduct prejudicial to the interests of the sport" following the incident.
"It's prejudicial, " Gerald Lefcourt, an attorney for Ms. Hou, said in an interview.
"We think that these conditions are extremely unfair and prejudicial, " she said.
Auditors, and their firms, claim that this is prejudicial or could discourage an honest, hardworking partner from working on difficult or problematic engagements.
FORBES: KPMG's Inside Trader: What The Auditor, and Skechers, Don't Want To Talk About
Auditors, and their firms, may claim that this is prejudicial or could discourage an honest, hardworking partner from working on difficult or problematic engagements.
FORBES: Auditors and Audit Reports: Is The Firm's "John Hancock" Enough?
Mr Adams said the men's lawyers said the hearings and his presence at them could "well be prejudicial to any possibility of a fair trial".
The BBC Trust's Editorial Standards Committee reviewed the remarks following an appeal from a member of the public, who had complained they were "offensive, prejudicial and unacceptable".
Al Zarooni, who has admitted using the banned substances in error, faces charges relating to the use of prohibited substances, keeping medication records and conduct "prejudicial to horse racing".
He said he accepted that the Spectator had not intended to publish prejudicial material but that Mr Liddle had been "at least aware" of the possibility of legal action.
BBC: Spectator fined after admitting Stephen Lawrence breach
It is a matter of common sense, he explains, if people broadcast or publish material which is prejudicial it can create a risk, "mere unpleasantness" doesn't meet that test.
Because if everyone has standing, and everything is judiciable, then by definition, deciding who gets a hearing and what will be judged involves the use of prejudicial double standards.
It said the clause was "very clear that newspapers must avoid prejudicial, pejorative or irrelevant reference to an individual's sexual orientation and the reference to Balding plainly breached its terms".
He wants to ensure that they cannot go further - by caucusing to take decisions on other matters that are prejudicial to the 10 EU countries including Britain which are not in the Euro.
Tamakloe's lawyers argued that the GFA's own regulations defined misconduct as "embezzlement, inefficiency, non-attendance of three consecutive meetings, or acting in a manner prejudicial to the interest of the GFA" and insisted that the association's chairman had not committed any of the offences since assuming office in April this year.
Weinstein's belief that he has a right to serve as attorney general despite his ethical lapse while Galant should be denied his right to serve as chief of general staff due to his ethical lapse tells us that, like his colleagues in the legal fraternity, Weinstein has engaged in deeply prejudicial behavior.