The Uniform Premarital Agreement Act of 1983, which governs prenuptial arrangements, generally does not apply to postnups.
But even love matches can't be openly consummated before marriage, thanks to the taboo against premarital sex.
Dear Abby could seem like a current-events class, touching on divorce, abortion, working mothers, premarital sex, drugs and civil rights.
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Excellent access to contraception for married couples and extremely low rates of premarital sex ensure that unplanned births are rare.
They have also been grilled about their premarital romances, as well as their choice of actress for a bedroom scene in a movie.
"Premarital counseling provides a safe space for couples to discuss their sexual hopes, fears and expectations, " says Ami Bhalodkar, a New York marriage and family therapist.
Yet just as divorce law in most countries now strongly encourages mediation rather than courtroom battles, new forms of collaborative drafting aim to take the sting out of premarital negotiations.
For me to adopt an embryo, I wasn't going against their teaching any more than if I had adopted a child that was a result of premarital sex through domestic adoption.
But with the availability of the pill and the IUD in the 1960s, combined with youth counterculture and gay rights movements, it became more common for women to engage in premarital sex, she said.
Speaking from the mosque's elevated pulpit to about 300 congregants seated on the carpeted floor, Mr. Saied excoriated Americans who indulged in alcohol and premarital sex, or celebrated "false" holidays such as Halloween and Christmas.
Beyond generalized concerns over vaccine safety, a hot-button controversy at the time, there were also some parents and social conservatives who worried that vaccination might be seen as a green light by teenage girls to have premarital sex.
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When they balked at Hamas demands that they should register with Hamas ministries, submit financial reports and pay a fee (which, under America's anti-terrorism laws, could be construed as sponsoring terror and cost them their funding), Hamas closed down the largest one, Sharek, on the pretext that its youth groups encouraged premarital sex.