The results will be presented to an NPT preparatory meeting in 2009.
Ahead of a preparatory meeting of G-20 financial officials this weekend near London, Mr. Wen said pointedly that "increased funding for the IMF is not a question for just one country" but for all member nations.
Good news is no news: the preparatory meeting to set up a south-east European firefighting centre, part of the Regional Co-operation Council, is hardly worth mentioning even in Sarajevo (where it took place), let alone anywhere else.
The Intergovernmental Drafting Group is meeting at UNESCO Headquarters on 15 18 July to refine the working documents for the Draft Declaration of Principles and Draft Action Plan before the final preparatory meeting for the Summit in September.
The Intergovernmental Preparatory Committee, meeting from 24 to 28 July, will review preparations for the Conference and also assess progress in the implementation of international support measures for those countries, particularly in the areas of official development assistance (ODA), debt relief, investment and trade.
The United States boycotted preparatory meetings Tuesday for a NATO meeting with Russia, and NATO has canceled a naval exercise with Russian forces in the northern Pacific.
"The preparatory sessions will culminate in a Major Economies Forum Leaders' meeting, " to be held in July in La Maddalena, Italy, the statement said.
Briefing the meeting, the Executive Secretary of the Conference, Anna Kajumulo, said country-level preparatory processes had been launched in 46 least developed countries with country visits by members of the United Nations Conference Trade and Development (UNCTAD) secretariat.
At a meeting held in Geneva last April, the Consultative Forum said there was need to focus the preparatory process on raising awareness and generating support in donor countries for new commitments at the Conference.
The Expert Meeting on Science, Technology and Innovation for South East Europe to convene on Thursday 22 November as a preparatory event to the round table will discuss the above-indicated STI system capacity in SEE and pay particular attention to the research infrastructures, statistical data, regional networks and communication of science.