Just as any machine needed rest to prepare for the next day, so did the human.
Mr. Amer went on to explain how you prepare for a child in a war zone.
Or so at least I tell myself now as I prepare for the raucous consumerism of downtown.
She said she would walk again and was starting to prepare for a prosthetic leg.
WSJ: Last Boston Marathon Bombing Patient, Erika Brannock, Released From Hospital
We have to mentally and physically prepare for our next race, our next challenge.
Prepare for your creative work, just as you prepare your house for a thorough cleaning.
What should investors do to prepare for a possible new oil spiral, either up or down?
So leave Google alone too, and prepare for an epic battle between the two tech titans.
The good news for Copenhageners is that time exists to prepare for serious damage.
FORBES: What Copenhagen Can Teach Cities About Adapting To Climate Change
Mr Tompkins said the water industry needs years to prepare for such major construction work.
The stomach muscles, and the whole torso, will tighten, and prepare for the outburst.
FORBES: What Does Passion Look Like? - Body Language Quick Takes #5
In the opinion piece, he also warned South Africa to prepare for Mr Mandela's death.
Either way, Obama should prepare for a long winter playing defense on his signature legislation.
The pressure intensifies as students prepare for entrance exams for the more prestigious institutions.
As companies prepare for the upside of the economic cycle, they're bringing on new CEOs.
The past becomes a context in which to understand the present and prepare for the future.
It's time for US diplomats to buckle up tight and prepare for a bumpy ride ahead.
And they argue states need to prepare for rising health-care costs and cuts in federal aid.
Either way, seniors, service providers, and their advocates need to prepare for a much different world.
The U.N. goal is to stabilize the country and help it prepare for presidential elections.
Just as the two countries prepare for their presidents to meet, bickering has broken out.
Also, the programs increasingly include educational and mentoring components to help teens prepare for college.
The following sites can help you prepare for, as well as celebrate, the Big Night.
No matter how much you prepare for your presentation, there are external factors beyond your control.
FORBES: It's Crunch Time! How to Squeeze a One-Hour Presentation into 20 Minutes.
We prepare for different things that could happen and we let things play out.
Even so this former Soviet republic still faces a massive task to prepare for Euro 2012.
The VIX has retreated to around 30 as traders prepare for the holiday weekend.
Back in March, I cautioned marketers to prepare for the possibility of a double-dip recession.
Still, despite the financial burden, she regarded it as important to prepare for Frankie's future.
What are the best ways to prepare for interviews with top-tier management consulting firms?
FORBES: What Value Do Consulting Firms Like McKinsey, Bain, Et Al. Really Add To An Operation?