The head of the CISL union Raffaele Bonanni said his union was prepared to sign the deal if certain conditions were met.
Aid donors should be prepared to sign on for credible financial commitments, and to back calls for an MDG tax on financial markets.
The TV series "Candid Camera" ran for years because the great majority of the people tricked by the show were prepared to sign away their dignity for a few minutes.
CNN: Nurse death sparks outrage, casts glare on 'shock jocks'
They are no longer prepared to sign up to 20- or 30-year franchises as long as a key element of risk, the state of the track, remains outside their control.
Apart from hoping that most of the bugs that have plagued the new technology have now been sorted out, DoCoMo is also gambling that enough customers will be prepared to sign up to what will be a relatively expensive service, at a time when the Japanese economy teeters on the brink of recession.
Clinton said before traveling to Asia last week that if North Korea moved ahead with denuclearization, the United States would be prepared to normalize relations and sign a peace treaty on the Korean Peninsula.
But this flurry of diplomatic declarations may be more of a sop to European consciences than a sign that Europe is at last prepared to take collective action.
In less egregious cases the IRS should strictly apply the statutory penalties for failure to sign a return prepared for pay.
FORBES: 100,000 Preparers Who Failed to Follow New Registration Rules Are a Danger to Public
The decision to help out in Afghanistan is the clearest sign so far that Mr Sarkozy is prepared to back his Atlanticist words with deeds.
If you're prepared, you will be less likely to sign redundancy agreements while in a state of shock.
Nonetheless, these reforms are the first sign that the government is prepared to take genuinely tough decisions on social security.
If the employer does not prepare its payroll tax returns, it should review the PSP-prepared returns, reconcile them to its books, sign them, and file them.
Some are viewing the meeting as a sign that ministers may be prepared to make concessions on the Pensions Bill to avoid a potentially damaging backbench revolt.
In a concrete sign that Wall Street is now prepared to help such families, it emerged that some leading bankers have withdrawn their opposition to allowing bankruptcy judges to modify the terms of mortgages in arrears in order to prevent foreclosures.