So Bresee said preliminary steps have been taken to develop an H3N2 vaccine -- part of the overall pandemic preparednessplanning of the CDC and other health agencies.
Bresee said last week that preliminary steps have been taken to develop an H3N2 vaccine, part of the overall pandemic preparednessplanning of the CDC and other health agencies.
The NRDC report also suggested that framing climate change vulnerability and preparednessplanning in terms of emergency or risk management could be useful, as many state and municipal officials are already familiar with those concepts.
Its overall objective is to provide actors responsible for disaster management, risk prevention, civil protection and also spatial planning with EO-based solutions contributing particularly to an improved preparedness and mitigation planning for areas highly vulnerable to natural disasters and already noticeable climate change trends.
The gender gap is actually smallest in retirement preparedness, which requires such skills as strategic planning, short-term and long-range forecasting, and analysis of multiple variables.