This home-grown restaurant chain prepares a variety of African game and seafood in an energetic and colourful environment.
While Afghanistan prepares for parliamentary elections next month, it's also dealing with escalating violence.
Long-established processes are straining under the pressure as the modern workplace prepares their redundancy notices.
As he prepares to walk away, Cambara remarks that they are close to an open-air market.
Consider this: Today a young girl prepares to meet her future husband in Sierra Leone.
He hopes it is a good omen as he prepares to plant corn this spring.
As Indonesia prepares for the election of its president next week by a consultative assembly, B.
Over the last two years, I have learned that nothing quite prepares you for leading.
For now though, Silverio secures his boat at the marina and prepares to take in his haul.
Supporters say Common Core prepares students for college and for global competition better than earlier state standards.
However, husband sees accountant, who prepares joint Federal and State income tax returns for husband and wife.
FORBES: Mothers Don't Let Your Daughters Grow Up to be Innocent Spouses
Cookshop elegantly prepares American dishes (with a nod to the Mediterranean) in a busy, buzz-filled dining room.
FORBES: The Forbes 2008 All-Star Eateries in New York: Three Stars
The center accepts Medicaid and Medicare, and the pharmacy prepares between 600 and 800 prescriptions a day.
The announcement comes as the Halifax prepares to give more details of its internet-led banking venture,
To avoid that, while also ensuring its victory, the military prepares rigorously through training, simulations and drills.
The society educates, trains and prepares children to cope with life and to deal with social problems.
Rather than being detrimental, Dunshalt School prepares children for life in ways that should not be disregarded.
BBC: NEWS | UK | Scotland | Edinburgh and East | 'It's wrong to close our school'
It also prepares the work of the General Conference and sees that its decisions are carried out.
Buffalo now prepares to open a three-game homestand on Friday, when it hosts Northeast Division-leading Boston (8-1-2).
But maybe all this will change, even as the Pope prepares to leave the Vatican and downsize.
The call comes as Regional Development Minister Danny Kennedy prepares to put spending proposals to his ministerial colleagues.
They come as the new UK coalition government prepares to unveil plans to tackle national debt next month.
As the class of 2011 prepares to enter the workforce, they should know what their predecessors regret most.
FORBES: What College Graduates Wish They Had Done Differently
Every day as Ryan prepares to go underground, he checks a bulletin board listing the latest coal closures.
The site prepares young adults to sit with their parents and loved ones and have the cancer talk.
"We have seen Ganga maiya, " he says, as he prepares to board his bus to go back home.
As Senator Kohl prepares to leave Washington, he is speaking the truth and doing us all a favor.
FORBES: Senator Kohl Boosts Anti ATT/T Mobile Merger Sentiment
Correspondents say they will put added pressure on President Alfredo Palacio as he prepares for elections in October.
The pushback comes as GED Testing Service prepares to introduce a new version of the exam in January.
The attack comes as Rio prepares to host next year's World Cup final and the 2016 Summer Olympics.