• But, you ask, won't that be difficult when Glass is outfitted with prescription lenses one day?

    WSJ: Google Glass: An Etiquette Guide

  • You can swap out the removable sunglass lenses for clear versions, or throw in your prescription in daylight (tinted) or indoor flavors, since many optical stores stock appropriately sized lenses.

    ENGADGET: Insert Coin: Eyez 720p video-recording glasses (video)

  • Del Vecchio isn't banking just on prescription glasses, not with so many people opting for contact lenses or corrective surgery.

    FORBES: Lens master

  • Del Vecchio isn't just banking on prescription glasses, not with so many folks opting for contact lenses and corrective surgery.

    FORBES: Tough Guy

  • In most states contact lenses can be sold only with proof of a valid prescription--either a written prescription or oral approval from an ophthalmologist or an optometrist, who make their livings largely from the stuff they sell, contact lenses among them.

    FORBES: An Eye For An Eye

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