There are wild parks and preserves, and emerald coves to explore by hired boat.
At root, the new bill respects, and so preserves, current American attitudes toward energy use.
Yet the interiors are remarkably different: one is glitzy and modern, the other preserves Victorian touches.
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It's possible, however, to fight terrorism in a way that preserves our freedom and culture.
CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Remarks to the Council on Foreign Relations
"Tivoization" preserves freedom No. 1 in a formal sense, while making it ineffective in practice.
It seemed that she had known about the decision to close the Preserves even before I did.
However, disabling the gesture is discouraged because its use preserves a consistent user experience across all apps.
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But Mr Obama's substantial national security track record shows he preserves American might by wielding it carefully.
Huber--traditional fat targets for greens--are logging at Nature Conservancy preserves in Arkansas, Maine, North Carolina and Virginia.
The news of the decision to close the Preserves was undoubtedly the worst I had ever received.
It also stops short of legislating a specific evaluation system, which preserves the union's collective bargaining rights.
After our breakfast the next morning (strong coffee, bread, butter, meats and preserves) we fed the dogs theirs.
Let's have the government expand its wildlife preserves with acreage honestly paid for.
The bill preserves public participation but doesn't let it--or delaying litigation--run on forever.
They can then use the ponds to irrigate their farms throughout the year, which preserves topsoil and prevents runoff downstream.
With this approach, the law department preserves the expert counsel and reduces cost, while the law firm retains the client.
Muslim tradition preserves the idea that the earliest mosques originally faced Jerusalem not Mecca, but that Muhammad himself changed this.
The lord who preserves the manor lives a long way from the journeyman whose mother once dropped him near the verdure.
CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: A Campaign of Willful Blindness on Terrorism
Alongside its globally imported fruits and jars of European preserves, some vendors work hard to keep the local foodie flag flying.
But few of us ever think about how the Ninth Amendment preserves all of our rights not cited in the Constitution.
FORBES: The Ninth Amendment: The Value of Our Unenumerated Rights
The Constitution is what preserves the rule of law, and guarantees that we remain a nation of laws, not of men.
With Colossus, RJD2 has become more sophisticated in integrating his assorted tastes, but the album preserves the sound that made him an underground star.
The Lyndon B Johnson National Historical Park in adjacent Johnson City preserves the ranch, as well as the site of his boyhood home.
FS700 RAW recording preserves more of the original camera signal, producing stunning image quality and enabling maximum image manipulation flexibility in post.
ENGADGET: Sony brings 4K RAW to NEX-FS700 camcorder courtesy of IFR5 add-on
Others say it preserves beautiful skin and counteracts the effects of aging.
This improves their safety and quality of life, and preserves their self-esteem.
Markets offered a fabulous array of jams, preserves and syrups, along with smoked fish, hearth breads and more of that beautiful cheese.
For the ultra-Orthodox parties, it is also acceptable, since it preserves, for the moment at any rate, the Orthodox monopoly over marriages.
She favours the decentralised Swiss model, which preserves individual choice and competition.
Although such a move seems attractive--it removes a huge asset from your estate before death and preserves it for future generations--it's not easy.