Democratic President-elect Barack Obama resigned his seat as of Sunday, and the Vice President-elect, Sen.
They'll give their final tally of votes, and it is expected that they will name Felipe Calderon president elect.
But the president elect knows Christopher as a cautious lawyer bred for quiet argumentation and persuasion, not an infighter who could go toe-to-toe with that lobby.
"We must now heal America's political wounds and carry on the business of establishing a new administration with President-elect Bush and Vice President-elect Cheney, " said Watts.
But if the US is expecting Mr Uribe to bend over backwards to accommodate American priorities, it will most likely be disappointed, as the president elect is fiercely patriotic and independent.
Kenya is hoping America's president elect, Barack Obama, will help lure more tourists, mainly from the US, with the "Obama Route" that will see several new tourist destinations opened up to explore his part Kenyan heritage.
Sam Nunn would be a shrewd selection for secretary of state is partly rooted in Nunn's prestige, high enough to protect the president elect from domestic lobbies in foreign policy battles soon to engulf his administration .
Sir Paul Nurse - director general of the Imperial Cancer Research Fund, Professor Gordon McVie - director general of the Cancer Research Campaign and Dr John Seffrin, president elect of the International Union Against Cancer, said action needed to be taken now to ensure all patients get the drugs they need wherever they live.
The president-elect will hold talks with Mexico's president, Felipe Calderon.
Javier Diez Canseco, a congressman-elect, said that one of the economists who drew up the president-elect's campaign platform, a leftist document, should have been named to run the Central Bank.
In La Paz, Bolivia today, President-elect Evo Morales takes the oath of office to become the first President of a land locked nation where over 60 percent of the population is Indian.
AUSTIN, Texas (Reuters) - Republican George W. Bush, who has declared himself president-elect of the United States, on Tuesday called the incoming Mexican president, Vicente Fox, to congratulate him on his upcoming inauguration.
But it should be remembered that in 1933, President-elect Franklin Roosevelt refused to agree a bi-partisan deal with President Hoover to stave off the collapse of the entire US banking system, which shut down completely on the eve of his inauguration.
Word of Cabinet appointments by President-elect Barack Obama flew fast and furious late Friday afternoon: Sen.
Bolivia's new president-elect, Evo Morales, has vowed to nationalize the country's rich oil and gas reserves.
Aides to the president-elect said "a clear favorite" for the post was Socialist lawmaker Jean-Marc Ayrault.
But some Democrats worry he can veer off message, just like Vice President-elect Joe Biden.
President-elect Barack Obama is nearly finished announcing his Cabinet and other major positions in his administration.
Mr Yudhoyono's critics regularly voice concern about the number of ex-military men surrounding the president-elect.
The Israel-backed Lebanese president-elect, Bashir Gemayel, is assassinated September 14, shortly before his inauguration.
Today President-elect Barack Obama is expected to announce several major additions to his administration.
The poll suggests that Americans believe that the president-elect will remove all combat troops from Iraq.
President-elect Kim Dae Jung himself expressed shock after being briefed about the extent of the problems.
President-elect Obama shows a remarkable ease with which he pushes useful colleagues through the trap door.
Tavella, a landscape architect and president-elect of the American Society of Landscape Architects (ASLA).
The president-elect is scheduled to deliver a major policy speech on the economy Thursday.
President-elect Barack Obama has stated his willingness to talk to the North Korean leader.
Meanwhile, the man who was declared the winner, conservative Felipe Calderon, says he is the president-elect.
The president-elect has promised to pass structural reforms that have previously got stuck in Congress.
In addition the President-elect intends to upgrade NAFTA with stronger labor and environmental provisions.