He is the first Mormon from a major party to contest the presidential election.
As chief political correspondent, King led The AP's 1992 and 1996 presidential election coverage.
Mr Rafsanjani's comments come two days after he and another candidate were disqualified from next month's presidential election.
The 2008 presidential election campaign has been the longest in history, and the general election isn't until November.
With the presidential election bringing intense interest and states are reporting high early turnout.
Brubeck's words about jazz and democracy take on even more meaning with the recent presidential election.
Both the legislative election last year and the presidential election in April went smoothly.
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Mr Capriles is seeking support for contesting his narrow loss in April's Venezuelan presidential election.
That, of course, will put us smack-dab in the middle of a presidential election.
The party that wins the Presidential election loses Congressional seats in the mid-term election.
He is often mentioned as a possible Republican contender for the 2016 presidential election.
The same cannot be said of Mexico , which will hold a presidential election in July.
The two men are expected to run against each other in next year's presidential election.
He served 34 years in the Army and ran in the 2004 presidential election.
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In the 1976 presidential election, the conduct of the Cold War was not a major issue.
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Missouri has voted for the eventual winner in all but one presidential election since 1904.
Zimbabwe holds its presidential election in March, and Robert Mugabe is determined to stay on.
Analysts say Mr ElBaradei was unlikely to win the presidential election even if he had run.
Direct students to create a time line of the presidential election events in Serbia.
CNN: Discussion-activity: Yugoslav president's hold on power
This will be both her and Boyd's first time serving as superdelegates in a presidential election.
As the 1976 presidential election demonstrated, the Ford presidency never recovered from the pardon.
General Musharraf wants to hold the next presidential election before the forthcoming parliamentary election.
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Two months earlier, Republicans had lost the Presidential election and eight seats in the House.
Today, voters in Kenya decide the most hotly contested presidential election since they gained independence.
More than 78% of the 18.9 million Venezuelans registered voted in Sunday's presidential election, Lucena said.
Virginia holds 13 electoral votes and is considered a definitive swing state for the Presidential election.
Just remember, two years ago, 1.5 million Connecticut residents voted in the 2004 presidential election.
Last week's first round in the presidential election failed to produce a decisive result.
Greater numbers are the norm in presidential election years, when voter turnout is higher, officials said.
Le Pen made a strong showing in the first round of France's presidential election.