• But Mr Lavin says that Chile's strongly presidential system would allow him to govern effectively.

    ECONOMIST: Chile’s centre-left, disconcerted in victory | The

  • The new president intends to turn South Korea's presidential system of government into more of a parliamentary one.

    ECONOMIST: Kim the peacemaker

  • Some commentators have warned that a presidential system could weaken democracy in Turkey.


  • But Mr Duhalde has now announced sweeping constitutional changes, which include replacing the current presidential system with a parliamentary democracy.

    ECONOMIST: Floating or sinking? | The

  • The biggest issue is political: should Afghanistan have a parliamentary or, as the draft now has it, a centralised presidential system?

    ECONOMIST: Afghanistan

  • The plan to scrap the Philippines' American-style presidential system, and replace it with a parliamentary one, could provide Mrs Arroyo with a face-saving exit.

    ECONOMIST: President Arroyo toughs it out

  • "Two or three years ago, I could see the merit of having a strong presidential system because we still were going through the recovery phase, " he says.

    NPR: Too Much Power in Karzai's Hands, Critics Say

  • The UNP is particularly opposed to provisions that would allow the present executive presidential system of government to continue parallel to the prime ministerial one for six years.

    CNN: From Our Correspondent: Stand Up and Be Counted

  • Thus we have the powers of a presidential type system with the automatic majority of a Parliamentary system.

    BBC: Short's resignation statement

  • Ukraine's constitution provides for a presidential political system, but successive legislation has transferred many powers to the prime minister and parliament.

    BBC: Q&A: Ukraine political crisis

  • The controversy over Klaus's re-election meant that when Petr Necas, the leader of the centre-right Civic Democrat party (ODS), was attempting to form a government after the 2010 parliamentary elections, several of his prospective coalition partners made their cooperation conditional on the new government making reform of the presidential election system part of its programme.

    BBC: Q&A: Czech presidential election

  • Since Indonesia's political system is nominally presidential, though in practice a bit of a hybrid, parliament is using the language of impeachment to dump Mr Wahid in what is in some ways closer to a vote of no confidence.

    ECONOMIST: Indonesia

  • Although the U.S. Congress is likely to impose a cap-and-trade system after the presidential election later this year, proposed legislation by U.S. senators Joseph Lieberman and John Warner would limit the value of foreign credits by allowing U.S. companies to use them to cover only 15% of their emissions.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • No one knows what the impact of the new system will be in a presidential race, but in the 1998 elections for congressional seats and state offices one effect was to favour more moderate candidates.

    ECONOMIST: Wooing California

  • So one option under consideration by the president's men is to cancel the primary, and use an alternative system, whereby parties run several presidential candidates, with the two who collect most votes facing a run-off.

    ECONOMIST: Argentina's collapse

  • Newt Gingrich, one of the leading US Republican presidential candidates, has said Virginia's electoral system is flawed, after failing to qualify for the primary ballot in his home state.

    BBC: Newt Gingrich fails to qualify for Virginia poll

  • Obama would be the first major presidential candidate to drop out of the modern campaign financing system for the general election since its creation in 1976 in the post-Watergate era.

    CNN: McCain attacks Obama for opting out of public financing

  • In 2004, a presidential candidate wanted to add to the existing health insurance system of our country, which is private sector and employer-based, those that are currently uninsured and ensure that they have accessible, affordable coverage.

    WHITEHOUSE: Press Briefing

  • It was found in the system shortly after the second round vote of the presidential election on 6 May, and it took agents three days to clean it out, L'Express reports.

    BBC: US 'launched Flame cyber attack on Sarkozy's office'

  • Clinton served up another course of dainty presidential tapas, like overhauling the nation's meat-inspection system and cracking down on truants.

    CNN: It's My Party And I'll Run If I Want To

  • Despite the emergence of the centrist contender Francois Bayrou as a third force at the presidential election, the parliamentary vote largely confirmed the two-party system.

    BBC: NEWS | Europe | Sarkozy's ambition remains intact

  • The two presidential hopefuls, who decry the influence of money in the political system and the power of "special interests, " say they believe that politics is a "noble profession, " and they talk about their desire to run "different" campaigns that avoid "negative attacks" on their opponents.

    CNN: By Stuart Rothenberg/

  • He has appointed a bipartisan commission to investigate the military health-care system, to be headed by Bob Dole, a former Republican presidential nominee and veteran of the second world war, and Donna Shalala, who was health secretary under Bill Clinton.

    ECONOMIST: The military health-care scandal

  • Election monitors from the Organisation of American States said Peru's presidential election , due on May 28th, should be delayed because of defects in the counting system.

    ECONOMIST: Israel's rout

  • While railing against an expanding federal government harming small business in one breath, does it make sense for some Republican presidential candidates, for example, to call for requiring all employers to use an electronic verification system (E-Verify) every time someone in the country is hired?

    FORBES: Washington Post Inadvertently Shows Immigration Issue is Fool's Gold

  • It was in 2004 that Colorado Democrats recognized that they could take a major step towards locking in the state for Democratic presidential candidate John Kerry if they could succeed in scraping their own winner-take-all system and bring proportional representation to the electoral vote in Colorado.

    FORBES: It's Time To Stop Pretending That Republicans Have Cornered The Market On Dirty Politics

  • This year, GOP Presidential candidate Herman Cain has explicitly endorsed for the U.S. the enormously successful personal account system adopted in Chile 30 years ago.

    FORBES: The New Republican Vision For Modern Social Safety Nets

  • The three remaining presidential contenders have not taken, and may not even want, money from the federal public-financing system.

    NPR: Candidates Weigh Taking Federal Campaign Money

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