Algeria's security services dismantled the "dangerous" network in 2009, the Algerian press agency APS reports.
BBC: Algeria-France child trafficking trial opens in Algiers
And now I would like to ask -- get a question from the Polish Press Agency.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama and Prime Minister Tusk Press Conference
Lucas Mebrouk Dolega, 32, was a photographer with the European Press Agency (EPA).
He was the founder of the local press agency ADN and also worked as a correspondent for the national agency Quadratin.
Nikolai Solovtsov, chief of the Strategic Rocket Forces, told a Russian press agency that the exercise will involve launches of "several" intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBMs).
The state-run Saudi Press Agency cited an official source at the Saudi Foreign Ministry as saying al-Khalidi was seized by an armed group in front of his home.
The young women weren't included in a group photo of Saudi Olympic officials posing with the male Saudi Olympic athletes carried by the Saudi Press Agency this week.
The Saudi Interior Ministry asserted that Al-Anzi's body was displayed as a warning that those involved in similar crimes would suffer the same fate, the press agency reported.
CNN: Convicted killer beheaded, put on display in Saudi Arabia
The photographer - who works for a press agency - was said to be in a stable condition in the casualty department of the Royal Victoria Hospital in Belfast.
Indeed, Saudi Ministry of Labor spokesman Hattab Bin Salah Al-Anzi said Wednesday that the kingdom will focus instead on recruiting workers from "other sources, " according to the state-run Saudi Press Agency.
"The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia categorically rejects any interference in its affairs or in the provisions of its judiciary under any justifications, " a statement carried by the official Saudi Press Agency read.
Mr Kapuscinski went to Africa as a journalist, but goodness knows what the Polish Press Agency made of his copy, since his true vocation is that of a Literary Traveller, a dispenser of fine sensibilities and finer prose.
Most of those killed in the coordinated attacks were victims of the first suspected car bombing near the Constitutional Council -- which oversees elections -- and Supreme Court in the Algiers neighborhood of Ben Aknoun, according to the state-run Algeria Press Agency.
The Saudi Interior Ministry said Ahmed Al-Shamlani Al-Anzi was sentenced to death and then "crucifixion" -- having his body displayed in public -- for the kidnapping and killing of an 11-year-old boy and for the killing of the boy's father, according to the official Saudi Press Agency.
CNN: Convicted killer beheaded, put on display in Saudi Arabia
Agency spokesman Morten Lisby was quoted as describing the outbreak as "massive", according to the Associated Press news agency.
The company told the Associated Press news agency they hoped to engage in some "basketball diplomacy".
"We have a pretty good idea" who did it, he told the Associated Press news agency.
Acting Fire Chief Antonio Conte told the Associated Press news agency the blaze had been too intense.
Witnesses said clashes erupted between Christians and Muslims outside the churches, the Associated Press news agency reported.
The study's conclusion was erroneously marked unclassified, an unnamed US official later told the Associated Press news agency.
An Interpol warrant for his arrest remains in effect for 188 countries, the Associated Press news agency reports.
BBC: Polanski makes first appearance since house arrest ends
Kazutaka Sato, her colleague from the Japan Press news agency who was with her in Aleppo, was unhurt.
BBC: Syria conflict: Japan reporter Mika Yamamoto flown home
The Associated Press news agency says Wednesday's clashes involved 400 members of the security forces and about 200 villagers.
Senior police officer V Dinesh Reddy told the Associated Press news agency that improvised explosive devices had been used.
Mr Kelly sat grim-faced through the hearing, the Associated Press news agency reported.
The Israeli prime minister met officials late on Tuesday to formulate a response, the Associated Press news agency reported.
"There was no information that indicated where troops were or ships were, " he told the Associated Press news agency.
"Now we're talking about a permanent easing, " Israeli military spokesman Maj Guy Inbar told the Associated Press news agency.
Both men bought some of the bonds, the Associated Press news agency reported.
"What we care about now is how to make the country develop better, " he told the Associated Press news agency.