An Associated Press photographer saw about 200 police and soldiers surrounding the house where the guns were found.
The U.S. military arrested Pulitzer Prize-winning Associated Press photographer Bilal Hussein on April 12, 2006, saying that he's a security threat.
One monk, whose faced was covered, shoved a foot-long dagger at the neck of an Associated Press photographer and demanded his camera.
Several policemen have been held in connection with the widely publicised murder of a press photographer last January, and lesser scandals have followed.
But after Chamberlain reached 69 points at the end of the third, an off-duty Associated Press photographer named Paul Vathis realized that history was in the air.
Associated Press Photographer Rogelio Solis in Corinth and writers Emily Wagster Pettus in Jackson, Jay Reeves in Oxford and Eric Tucker in Washington contributed to this report.
"I was out with two of my friends, and when we came back ... we saw them, " Win Thike Oo, one of the fishermen who survived, told an Associated Press photographer at the scene.
Much worse was to come: in January 1997, when Jose Luis Cabezas, a press photographer, was brutally murdered, the killing was widely laid at the door of Mr Yabran, allegedly angered that the photographer had taken inconvenient pictures of him.
Associated Press writer Tim Talley and freelance photographer Nick Oxford contributed to this report.
Ron Edmonds, senior White House photographer for the Associated Press, took the 1993 photo.
Lucas Mebrouk Dolega, 32, was a photographer with the European Press Agency (EPA).
Mike Mitchell, who is now 65, said that the thought of someday auctioning off the photos for such a large sum had never crossed his mind as a rookie photographer vying for a press pass to see the Fab Four.
The photographer - who works for a press agency - was said to be in a stable condition in the casualty department of the Royal Victoria Hospital in Belfast.
Kris Reilly, city editor of The Daily Press in Victorville, arrived at the scene with a photographer to see a man in dark clothing on a hospital gurney.
Celebrated combat photographer Horst Faas, who covered the Vietnam War for the Associated Press, has died aged 79, his daughter says.
De Weldon, a young sculptor serving as an artist in the Navy, became instantly transfixed by an Associated Press image of the Feb. 19, 1945, flag planting, which would earn photographer Joe Rosenthal a Pulitzer Prize and resonate around the world.