At Friday's press briefing, data are being presented from a five-year, 8, 000-patient study of Novartis' pill Femara, which is used to keep breast cancer from recurring after chemotherapy and surgery.
That was the message from Turner Broadcasting's chief research officer, Jack Wakshlag, at Turner's summer press briefing Wednesday.
"Fu Ying, diplomacy's 'iron lady', turns on the style", says China Daily of Fu Ying's first press briefing.
Welcome to the James S. Brady Press Briefing Room for your daily briefing.
Tuesday's State Department press briefing indicates that this is not the case.
James S. Brady Press Briefing Room at the White House, the President announced that Vice President Joe Biden will lead a new initiative that has been tasked with identifying concrete proposals for real reform by January.
It was not on Clinton's public schedule, and Wood did not mention the meeting at his daily press briefing when he discussed the secretary's second day in office.
Simon Mayall told a press briefing that Panther's Claw was aimed at safeguarding the elections in addition to securing long term stability in the area.
Those are the questions a journalist posed to the U.S. State Department during the November 28th Daily Press Briefing.
In a press briefing on Wednesday, German Chancellor Angela Merkel's spokesman, Steffen Seibert, denied Germany wanted Greece out of the eurozone.
"There's been some progress, " Bush said during a press briefing after his meeting.
The U.S. stock indexes did weaken modestly during the Obama press briefing.
Elan (nyse: ELN - news - people ) had scheduled a press briefing on data it was presenting at a major Alzheimer's conference.
Outgoing U.S. Ambassador Ryan Crocker recently told reporters in his last press briefing that neither Iraqi nor coalition forces "can take our eye off" maintaining security in Iraq, despite recent gains against insurgents in Iraq.
During an early afternoon briefing with reporters, White House press secretary Robert Gibbs made unusually strong comments suggesting the general's job was hanging by a thread.
WSJ: U.S. Gen. Stanley McChrystal Apologizes for Rolling Stone Profile
During a press briefing on Tuesday, the Metropolitan Police said its probe would be a joint inquiry with children's charity the NSPCC and would be named Operation Yewtree.
BBC: Jimmy Savile abuse claims: Outsider to head BBC inquiry