We tend to think about a stressed out workforce as one that is under the pressure of maintaining a declining business with fewer resources, amidst business model change or one struggling to hold onto legacy revenues.
Intervening at shorter maturities is another way of maintaining pressure: countries prefer to borrow for longer to avoid having to roll over debt too often.
In a statement Derry City Football Club chairman Pat McDaid said they were confident about maintaining pressure on the relevant bodies to reach their goal.
U.S. military officials say the raids are crucial to maintaining pressure on insurgent networks around the country, while Mr. Karzai says they violate the sanctity of Afghan homes.
"Economic conditions remain challenging, maintaining the pressure on household budgets, " Mr Hill said.
By maintaining the pressure, the government hopes to force the FARC into negotiations.
ECONOMIST: Why the FARC's defeat looks to be only a matter of time
But it was Wigan who took the game by the scruff of the neck before the break, penning their hosts back in their half and maintaining the pressure without managing to fashion a real opening.
Samuels immediately took the new ball but Bravo, whose decision-making in the absence of skipper Chris Gayle has been far from impressive, failed to construct a field conducive to maintaining the pressure and Prince swiftly went on to reach his half-ton.
But the dilemma is how to make fiscal policy more flexible, in order to take pressure off monetary policy, while still maintaining long-term discipline.
Hagel has been fiercely criticized by his former GOP colleagues for allegedly shifting positions on confronting Iran, supporting Israel, and maintaining a strong military amid pressure to cut costs, among other things.
" Accordingly, he believes "a more cautious and disciplined approach to the channeling of Western assistance resources to certain countries of the region is essential to maintaining the kind of 'constructive pressure' which is working in favor of those seeking the fundamental, structural transformation of these societies.
It thanked staff for maintaining standards of care and services "whilst under significant capacity pressure".
India in particular faces an increasingly untenable balancing act in maintaining its current accommodation of the junta, and will be under growing pressure this year to move toward a policy that better aligns its values and interests.
The pressure of the market forced providers to innovate better, more cost-effective ways to do the procedure while maintaining a positive, safe patient experience.