"The pain response in very preterm neonates appears to be reduced by skin-to-skin maternal contact, " she said.
The findings challenge the prevailing view that moderate and late preterm babies are just as healthy as full-term babies, researchers said.
WSJ: Health Research Report: The Upside of Going Up and Down
Preterm labour is one of the main complications resulting in damaged babies.
The drug is not intended for use in women with a multiple pregnancy, such as a twin pregnancy, or other risk factors for preterm birth.
The causes of autism remain unknown, though a variety of risk factors for the disorder have been identified, including advanced parental age and preterm birth.
Previous research, reported by Harvard University, showed that inflammatory proteins in extremely preterm babies were associated with impaired mental and motor development when they became toddlers.
Preterm births have dipped slightly in the past three years, but the U.S. rate is still up by more than a third since the early 1980s.
WSJ: How Hospitals Save More Lives and Reduce Infections in Premature Babies
Ruth Nichols recalls a telephone conversation with her daughter, a month before Leanne Nichols was shot and killed while working at the Preterm Health Services Clinic in Boston.
The findings may help to explain a previously identified association between longer periods of ventilation and cerebral palsy, cognitive disorders and bronchopulmonary dysplasia, a lung disorder, in extremely preterm babies, they said.
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration today approved Makena (hydroxyprogesterone caproate) injection to reduce the risk of preterm delivery before 37 weeks of pregnancy, in pregnant women with a history of at least one spontaneous preterm birth.
The revelation this week that the cost of a popular drug to help prevent preterm labor is going to go up 100 times its current price has stunned pregnant women, their doctors and pharmacists in Western Pennsylvania.
Dr Joy Lawn, of Save the Children, who is part of the Born Too Soon initiative that seeks to cut prematurity rates, said: ""Our analysis shows that the current potential for preterm birth prevention is shockingly small.