Western civilization s signature achievement was not democracy but the idea that laws prevail over lawgivers.
"International legality must prevail over the threats of proliferation of weapons of mass destruction, " he said.
Mr Bush's uncomplicated appeal may still prevail over Mr Kerry's more nuanced, convoluted one.
All ratified international conventions as well as all generally recognized rules of international law prevail over domestic laws.
His reply is that past Supreme Court judgments bound his hands, that precedent must sometimes prevail over interpretation.
Mr. Obama used his last bit of leverage to prevail over Republicans in the fiscal-cliff budget negotiations late last year.
The prevailing Western ethic assumes that human interests must always prevail over the comparable interests of members of other species.
Thus in Myanmar the generals and their families may get to keep their Ferraris, while peace may prevail over justice.
Bill Frist -- the Senate's first physician in some 50 years -- is expected to prevail over Democratic challenger Jeff Clark.
Getting gas right means allowing economic reason to prevail over political passion.
When the declaration was drafted, the cold war had already begun to blight post-war hopes that international co-operation would prevail over great-power rivalry.
The country has survived far more difficult challenges in the past, and it will survive this one, too, as reason will eventually prevail over emotions.
Such online research has evolved beyond predicting whether green sneakers will prevail over purple ones--or if customers prefer seat warmers to GPS devices in cars.
The duty to the Court shall prevail over all other duties.
FORBES: North Carolina Bill Would Let Non-Lawyers Invest In Law Firms
We have created a solution to allow them to exercise creative freedom ... this is a system where a big idea can prevail over big budgets.
ENGADGET: & Joystiq's live coverage of Nintendo's Revolution E3 event
So while the soft patch in the U.S. economy is certainly is a concern, the firm still thinks the recovery will prevail over the longer term.
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Often, the interests of production prevail over concern for the dignity of workers, while economic interests take priority over the good of individuals and even entire peoples.
Ford, like other international truck companies eying the China market, believe that, by introducing their advanced technology and know-how, they can ultimately prevail over their local rivals.
He wants to big idea to prevail over big budget.
ENGADGET: & Joystiq's live coverage of Nintendo's Revolution E3 event
Relying on hundreds of documents and dozens of interviews, the Tribune has pieced together the details of a bitter fight in Bridgeview that saw religious fundamentalists prevail over moderates.
With the Wik judgment, it extended those rights to pastoral lands as well, but qualified them by saying that pastoral rights would prevail over native-title rights if there were a conflict.
Only the truth can prevail over lies.
CNN: New controversy over video of Gaza boy's death 13 years ago
As Russia and the other countries of the former Soviet Union move their economies away from the inefficient autarky of the Soviet era towards a more efficient integration with the world economy, considerations of trade and investment will prevail over other forces.
Those partnerships may be below the radar screen, and they aren't likely to make the daily news, but over time the many small initiatives will prevail over the crimes that manage to steal our attention from real truth about interfaith cooperation in America and elsewhere.
As financialism has come to prevail over the last 25 years or so, the economic condition of the U.S. has in many ways weakened, with middle-class income stagnation, increased income inequality, the exporting of jobs and our manufacturing capacity and increased risks of financial volatility.
We could imagine, just as an example, that Oracle would like any damages, if they prevail over the use of Java, to be based upon gross revenues while we would similarly expect Google to prefer any such to be based upon net revenues: or in this formulation, a loss.
For the good of society as a whole, we must hope that the basic health and cohesion of Israeli society that has grown so miraculously over the past decade will prevail in the current contest.
Unfortunately, shortly before it left office, the Bush Administration adopted just such an analytic flim-flam in a last, desperate bid to prevail in a four-year fight with Congress over termination of the V-22.