Smoking is the leading cause of preventable death, killing 400, 000 from heart disease, lung cancer and emphysema.
Tobacco use is the leading cause of preventable death in the United States.
"Coronary artery disease is the leading cause of preventable death in the UK, accounting for 300, 000 deaths a year, " she said.
But since all risk is terrifying, and even one preventable death is too many, there are not many intact fingernails left around this place.
These numbers are small, but every preventable death is a tragedy.
" "We've made a huge amount of progress but it's still the number one cause of preventable death in the country and the tobacco industry hasn't gone away.
Unlike other major causes of preventable death and disability, such as tobacco use, injuries, and infectious diseases, there are no exemplar populations in which the obesity epidemic has been reversed by public health measures.
Smoking is the leading cause of preventable illness and death in the United States.
More broadly, dirty water and air, and poor sanitation, are the biggest preventable causes of death.
After all, cigarettes are the leading preventable cause of death in the United States.
Tobacco is the No. 1 preventable cause of death in the U.S., according to the Centers for Disease Control.
Smoking remains the leading preventable cause of death among New Yorkers, Farley said.
And even though smoking and obesity are the two leading preventable causes of death, drugs to treat these conditions have been flops.
Despite the fact that obesity is one of the biggest preventable causes of death, investors may find that fat-fighting drugs are a far riskier business than they seem.
Lastly, the Wellness Trust would make prevention like national security and environmental policies: pervasive and persistent in its protection of our nation from purely preventable illness and death.
As it is the leading preventable cause of death in Wales, Lesley Griffiths AM outlined the government's commitment to reducing the number of children who start smoking along with reducing the number of adults who smoke.
"Our goal is to get to zero deaths because each alcohol-impaired death is preventable, " NTSB Chairman Deborah Hersman said.
Next to lung cancer, it is the most preventable cause of cancer death.
First, too many people choose lifestyles that cause preventable suffering and early death.
Commenting on the survey's findings, Dr Penny Woods, chief executive of the British Lung Foundation, said the significant decline in the numbers of people smoking in Britain over the last 40 years was "a testament to the effectiveness of combined legislation and awareness raising in tackling what is Britain's leading cause of preventable illness and premature death".
He said there were also "major areas of challenge" including disappointing breast feeding rates, large variations in preventable tooth decay in children, high death rates from lung diseases and a large amount of preventable cancers and cardiovascular disease.
After the hearing, Sapper Smith's mother Helen Smith said she believed his death had been preventable.
Public-health officials retort that this would condemn millions to misery or death from a preventable disease.
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The Health and Safety Executive (HSE) said at the time that Steven's death was "entirely preventable".
Instead, the authors point to high rates of obesity, tobacco use, and other preventable risk factors for an early death as the leading drivers of the gap between the US and other nations.
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The death was foreseeable and preventable.
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Mr Whiting's death was an "entirely preventable tragedy", the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) said.
It is the definitive expression of our collective wealth to act in the face of death and disease and conflict that is preventable.
There have been many new outbreaks of this very preventable disease across the country, some leading to the death of the infant.
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