Bersani and Berlusconi are archrivals who have previously indicated they will not work together.
The Holy See media office had previously indicated that Gabriele could be pardoned.
Mosley had previously indicated that he would probably step down as FIA president when his latest term ended in October 2009.
Prosecutors previously indicated they would take several months to consider that possibility and would discuss it with victims and their families.
WSJ: Alleged Colorado Movie Theater Shooter James Holmes Is Charged
Amarin execs previously indicated a decision was due because the agency updated its monthly compendium of patent listings known as the Orange Book.
Tencent had previously indicated it would let the service remain free and try to monetize the platform by offering value-added services like online games and mobile shopping.
Previous findings of the same tool style date to only about 1.4 million years ago, suggesting that Homo Erectus developed these innovations much earlier than previously indicated.
Condit, through aides, has previously indicated a willingness to cooperate.
But the 34-year-old would not reveal whether she intended to run or not, having previously indicated she would leave a decision until after the Birmingham Grand Prix on 18 February.
Though the company had previously indicated that Windows Marketplace would be a 6.5 exclusive, we've got great news for legacy device owners who don't expect to get an upgrade: Microsoft has also announced today that the Marketplace will be coming to WinMo 6.0 and 6.1 before the year's out.
As OMB previously indicated in our statement for the record for this Committee's May 6 hearing, if additional resources are warranted for Station development, the Administration intends to look first for offsets within NASA while protecting Administration priorities in space and earth science, advanced space transportation, and aviation safety research.
WHITEHOUSE: Jacob J. Lew Testimony to House Science Committee, 08/06/1998 | The White House
Lewinsky's attorneys have indicated previously that she will cooperate with the Maryland probe.
Reports indicated that some of these financial institutions had previously cut their quota of loans to the debt-ridden ministry.
Prosecutors previously told the jury notes found in the car used by the accused indicated the singer had been targeted because of her connections with members of the Royal Family.
Early findings from a mid-August survey led by the University of South Florida indicated oil had settled to the bottom of the Gulf further east than previously suspected and at levels toxic to marine life.
Nvidia previously predicted it would have quad-core phones on sale in 2011, but Huang indicated there may only be quad-core tablets this year.
The report said the weak recovery indicated that the process of unwinding pre-crisis imbalances was likely to be more protracted than previously anticipated, partly because of the difficulty of getting credit.