• The fundamental point is that, in the presence of inelastic supply curves, demand-side subsidies face a headwind of adverse price effects, while direct public provision gets a tail wind of favorable price effects.

    FORBES: Mike Konczal on Public Education and Public Options

  • Without favorable price action, I expect that my macro theory is flawed.

    FORBES: How Chevron, Qualcomm And Starbucks Can Bring Us World Peace

  • Not that you would ever do anything so stupid, but what if you were to buy each side of this bet at the less favorable price?

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • Lukashenko has argued that, because of the customs union relations Belarus has with Russia, it should not have to pay duties on Russian energy exports and should have a favorable price for natural gas.

    FORBES: Russia's Mounting Influence In Belarus And Kazakhstan

  • In the press release, the company explained it managed to increase sales volume in both their machinery and engine divisions, as took advantage of favorable price realization, as developing economies, where recessions were less severe, took deliveries to record highs.

    FORBES: Caterpillar More Than Quadruples Profits On Global Economic Recovery

  • Current global financial and monetary trends suggest dynamic changes in economic fundamentals over the long run that are favorable for the price of gold.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • Housing was experiencing above-average price rises because of a favorable change in the tax law in 1998 that virtually eliminated capital gains taxes on the sale of most primary residences.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • The countries of Latin America and the Caribbean grew at a 5.4 percent clip in 2006, up from 4.5 percent in 2005.1 Due to the high oil price, Venezuela is enjoying very favorable terms of trade, for now.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Venezuelan oil bonanza

  • More often than not, when a stock goes up on a favorable earnings report, the price increase only partially reflects the good news.

    FORBES: Pleasant Surprises

  • We see AutoNation as Fairly Valued at the current price level, which places it among our most favorable ratings in the space.

    FORBES: Just Can't Pull The Trigger On The Used Car Kingpin

  • Long-term strategic buyers should use this period to slowly begin additional buy programs and to be prepared that the lack of historic trading practices may give the investor even more favorable prices, interspersed with extremely sharp price spikes as the natural sellers into a rally are reduced in number.

    FORBES: Briefing Book: A. Michael Lipper

  • There's a lot of quick turnover on properties, unfortunately, because you are noticing, especially in the entry level - the Lancasters, the Palmdales - those areas that are very favorable to entry level homeowners because of the price.

    NPR: Is Housing Market Squeezing Out the Middle Class?

  • Cisco trades near the low end of both their historical price-to-cash earnings and price-to-sales ranges, which suggests the valuation is favorable.

    FORBES: Cisco Selloff Sets Up Sweet Buy

  • While you may not get the perfect average price, we believe the risk-reward ratio is much more favorable when you wait for consolidation set-ups occur.

    FORBES: Stocks Stage Veteran's Day Rally

  • He said no, not now, and you can guess why even though at last report he had very favorable terms to buy a bundle of AIG shares back if he thought the price was right.

    FORBES: Has AIG Become a Basket Case?

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