Now both Republicans and Democrats are screaming about price manipulation at the gas pump.
Prosecutors have appealed against a judgment in June that acquitted Lone Star of charges of share-price manipulation.
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The state has argued that the rampant price manipulation colored the negotiations so those deals should be canceled.
He was a victim of a scandal involving alleged share-price manipulation at a sister firm fighting a takeover bid.
They alleged that AIG had engaged in stock price manipulation, anti-competitive behaviour and accounting fraud between 1999 and 2005.
Many focus upon food quality rather than price manipulation and barriers to trade.
So local courts do not even have the experience and the jurisprudence to try cases of price manipulation and insider trading as no such case has ever been brought to them before.
The Senate committee has regularly looked at energy issues, and given that Goldman Sachs and BP have both become bipartisan whipping boys, there could be political hay to be made in hauling them before a hearing on oil price manipulation.
The 16-man staff of the Compliance and Surveillance Group (CSG) of the Philippine Stock Exchange, headed by lawyer Ruben Almadro, has found "more than sufficient evidence for the SEC to initiate and establish a prima facie case for price manipulation and insider trading" against Dante Tan.
Whatever happened at ImClone is paltry compared to the manipulation of the share price at American Can, as described by Ripley.
Usually, it will be cloaked in terms like full employment, price stability, temporary stimulus, quantitative easing, and economic growth, but manipulation of the money supply serves only to favor the issuers of that particular monetary unit.
And since price rationing allows individualism through personal valuation the social engineers have even engrossed themselves into the manipulation of the medium of exchange, or the money that we use to place value on the goods, services, resources, investments, interest, and wages that are critical to an economy.
FORBES: We're All Economists Now: Scarcity Lessons For High School Students