Executives in Round Rock boast about holding the operating margin almost constant amid a vicious price war.
At the same time crusty competitors Interstate Bakeries and Sara Lee instigated a price war.
And in NYC, where competition is fierce, carriers are in a bit of a price war.
The effects of this price war fall disproportionately on American makers, for a couple of reasons.
Add another chapter to the ongoing price war saga between Netflix and Blockbuster.
The result was a massive price war that filled the planes but left profit statements red.
Then comes the potential for a price war with other schools desperate to fill their classrooms.
By 2007 Fung Wah emerged from the price war period but still struggled with its safety record.
But that revenue is especially shaky if TiVo finds itself in a price war with the upstarts.
Basel, Switzerland-based Roche has started a price war between its hepatitis C drug, Pegasys, and Schering-Plough's Peg-Intron.
That could put Intel back in control and end the price war that has ravaged both companies.
The prospect of a price war took AMD's stock price down 7% in one day in March.
Titanium dioxide suffered because of a price war between a couple of major producers two years ago.
The price war burned out Faggin, so he looked for a successor and found chip veteran Francis Lee.
In the late 1980s it fought a price war with Japanese enginemakers while investing heavily in new product.
So the company is trying to win the price war by exploiting one of its few technological advantages.
But "when the pinch starts to bite, benign price discounting could turn into a price war, " it said.
Consumers likely will benefit from the deal, as increased competition leads to a price war in the space.
That could lead to a price war on the international route where airlines make most of their profits.
ECONOMIST: Will Asia��s woes force a downturn in the aviation business?
The problem is that this price war is a red herring, diverting attention from a much bigger problem.
"We believe 2010 will see a greater price war between the U.K. food retailers than ever before, " he said.
Sony and Amazon are having fun with an ebook price war, slashing some bestselling titles to just 20p.
Then the two companies slapped each other silly in a price war that ground down profit margins at both companies.
The whizzy new chips from the two companies could put the grinding price war on hold, at least for now.
Indeed, most of the major ones have descended on the Philippines and are now embroiled in an all-out price war.
The store launched the latest salvo in the UK supermarket price war earlier this year, by announcing a range of price-cuts.
The ensuing price war has cut revenues per seat over the Atlantic by about 10% for the industry as a whole.
Apple may not want to provoke a price war in the tablet market, where it sees plenty of growth to come.
Ford's automotive operations in North America are hemorrhaging, amid a vicious price war, high plant and labor costs and plummeting market share.
FORBES: Bill Ford finds that fixing Ford is harder than he thought.
Tesco fired the first shots in the latest round of the supermarket price war in October, launching a fresh round of price-cuts.