After being reunited with his family in Britain, he had a divine calling to the priesthood.
Further attempts to restrain Fr Boff led to him leaving the priesthood in 1992.
Born in Brooklyn and raised mostly in Bensonhurst, Chief Esposito considered entering the priesthood.
From the 3, 000 cheering audience members, one student considering the priesthood asked whether he should date.
The Church should set up a national database of information on all candidates for the priesthood.
He grew up in Tachira, a devoutly Catholic Andean state, and was destined for the priesthood.
They prefer to operate secretively, as an anonymous priesthood, than to explain themselves on television.
Judged by any professional standard, the collected sayings of the priesthood are so bad as to be approaching quackery.
The Catholic Church restricts the priesthood to men, arguing that Jesus and his 12 apostles were male.
The church's insistence on a celibate priesthood is another practice that appears increasingly out of step today.
She said that not every interviewee used such methods and that some said that "the priesthood came first".
Jimmy O'Brien, who left the priesthood to start a family remembers how difficult it could be for young men.
But in 1958 he changed his mind and started studying for the priesthood.
He has defended the church's insistence on a celibate priesthood and its opposition to artificial contraception, abortion and women priests.
So we put our hands on her head, and through the power of God and authority of the priesthood, blessed her.
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Louis native of Irish ancestry and the oldest of five children, Dolan began his path to the priesthood as a boy.
Women have been permitted to enter the priesthood since the early 1990s.
An investigation into statements made by a group of Catholic nuns in the US on homosexuality and the male-only priesthood caused controversy.
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Now, more than half a century later, Feit lives in a pleasant neighborhood in Phoenix, after leaving the priesthood in the late '60s.
Finnegan was suspended after allegations about the assault emerged and has been told he will not be able to return to the priesthood.
David Santos, who grew up playing soccer in New Jersey before serving with the National Guard in Iraq and later entering the priesthood.
For many priests, and those contemplating the priesthood, one of the hardest things about the ministry is the sheer loneliness of the job.
The Church's insistence that its priests should remain celibate, and the refusal to admit women to the priesthood, are also cited as key issues.
He said he was allowed to leave the organization because he was studying for the priesthood, but was drafted into the army in 1943.
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There are many churches where, who are not yet sure about the ordination of women to the priesthood so we've made these pastoral arrangements.
"I am aware of different, deeply held convictions around the diocese on the ordination of women to the priesthood and to the episcopate, " he said.
Shortly after his election, Pope Benedict issued new guidelines for the ordination of priests that banned men with "deep-seated homosexual tendencies" from entering the priesthood.
If anything, the priesthood historically muffs it on the downside.
There is of course a very interesting question whether the risk aversion of the regulator is more or less rational than the priesthood's apparent appetite for risk.
The future pope entered the priesthood in 1951 and spent the early years of his career navigating one of the most tumultuous periods in the church's history.