Some 24, 600 primary and secondary school students were told to stop wearing uniforms made by the company.
It aims to raise the awareness of primary and secondary school students of the importance of water as a vital resource.
The Global Microscience Experiments Project is a hands-on science education project that gives primary and secondary school students as well as university students the opportunity to conduct practical work in physics, chemistry and biology, using kits that are veritable mini-laboratories.
UNESCO: Celebrating World Science Day for Peace and Development
The Global Microscience Experiment Project is a hands-on science education project that gives primary and secondary school students ( in some countries university students as well) the opportunity to conduct practical work in physics, chemistry and biology, using kits that come with booklets describing possible scientific experiments.
The reforms started in September 2001 with about 420, 000 primary- and junior secondary-school students (out of a national total of more than 215m) taking part in 38 experimental zones around the country.
The program administered by NASA, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, the National Science Foundation, and the State Department is a hands-on, primary and secondary school-based, science and education program that facilitates collaboration among students, teachers, and scientists around the world as they perform inquiry-based investigations of the environment and Earth systems.
WHITEHOUSE: Ask Dr. H: "How Can Kids Apply Their Ingenuity to Global Challenges?" | The White House
As many as seven million primary and lower-secondary students may have quit school last year, more than double the usual figure.
At mid-day it was high school students, primary and secondary teachers.
In the second phase, UNESCO reviewed and printed 9 million copies of primary and secondary school textbooks, which benefited 6 million students throughout Iraq for the academic year 2005-2006.
In Brazil, for example, 24 percent of primary-school pupils and 18 percent of secondary students are repeaters.
As they work their way through primary education and on into basic secondary, education delay increases the probability of students dropping out of school.