Diagnosing heart disease often starts with a routine visit to a primary care physician.
Drake is a Stanford MBA, former McKinsey consultant and a full-time primary care physician.
As her primary care physician explained, she was basically a BAV: born again virgin.
Residents looking to get vaccinated should contact their primary care physician or local pharmacy, the website said.
One of the big reasons for my sustained good health is my primary care physician, Dr. Gail Povard (phonetic).
WHITEHOUSE: Tele-Town Hall: The Affordable Care Act & Seniors
Store-based health clinics should encourage patients to establish care with a primary care physician to ensure continuity of care.
Keep in mind, before you rush to judge my answer, that I am a proud primary care physician, trained in general internal medicine.
FORBES: Solving the Primary Care Physician Shortage by Turning PCPs into Anesthesiologists
In a DPC model, the primary care physician will not get one dime more or one dime less based on any wrap around utilization.
Benzine saw his primary care physician, a nutritionist, a cardiologist, a pulmonologist, a gastroenterologist and a psychiatrist -- all of whom had to sign off.
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On a recent Saturday morning Ann Donato and her husband, Frank, popped by the office of Dr. Robert Novich, a primary care physician in Westchester County, N.
The American Medical Association recently passed guidelines that call on store-based clinics to offer only limited services and encourage patients to keep up with their primary care physician.
At their recommendation, I sought a regular primary care physician.
The last regular doctor's appointment she had was with her pediatrician several years ago, but she "aged out" of his practice and no longer had a primary care physician.
WHITEHOUSE: Making Good Use of AARA Funding: Frank Kiang Medical Center
He took her to the emergency room and from there to a primary care physician who told Maheshwari that his wife needed an MRI and a check-up from a neurologist.
Second, this model could increase primary care physician pay.
FORBES: Solving the Primary Care Physician Shortage by Turning PCPs into Anesthesiologists
They could wait however long it takes to see an ER doctor (likely several hours) or the ER staff would set them up with an appointment with a primary care physician within 24 hours.
FORBES: One Great Idea for Reducing Health Care Costs: Keep Non-Emergencies Out of the ER
Lepor thinks it is impractical to suggest that a primary care physician who has 15 to 20 minutes to spend with a patient fully explain all the pros and cons of screening in the course of an annual physical.
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Even in rural parts of the U.S. it can take hours to drive to a specialist, while a primary care physician might quickly email that specialist a photo of, say, a diseased retina first to see whether the trip's really necessary.
Men, who are 25% less likely to have visited a primary care physician in the past twelve months than women and are 40% more likely to skip regular cholesterol screenings, are 1.5 times more likely than women to die from heart disease, cancer and respiratory diseases.
FORBES: Why Do Men Die Earlier? (Hint: It's Not The Ladies' Fault)
They would need to work with a primary-care physician to develop a plan to help them lose weight and otherwise improve their health.
Wisconsin schoolteacher Laura Mueller, then 53, was undergoing a routine checkup in 2001 when her primary-care physician spotted an 11-centimeter growth inside her pelvis.
When people cannot find a primary-care physician who will see them in a reasonable length of time, all too often they go to hospital emergency rooms.
To make matters worse, Fisher found that patients in high-cost areas were actually less likely to receive low-cost preventive services, such as flu and pneumonia vaccines, faced longer waits at doctor and emergency-room visits, and were less likely to have a primary-care physician.
Seeing this I wondered if PAs and NPs would take over the roles of primary care in the US addressing both costs and physician shortages but 30 years later there are still more primary care physicians than PAs and NPs combined.
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We need to think more clearly about whether it is more primary care physicians that we need or, instead, more primary care clinicians: nurse practitioners, physician assistants and the like.
FORBES: Solving the Primary Care Physician Shortage by Turning PCPs into Anesthesiologists
Many primary care clinics already weave together physicians, physician assistants, nurse practitioners and registered nurses.
FORBES: Solving the Primary Care Physician Shortage by Turning PCPs into Anesthesiologists
When healthcare search firm Merritt Hawkins helped hospitals look for doctors just a few years ago, about one in four clients were looking for a solo practicing physician, often a primary care doctor who would open up shop in a small community.
In the collaborative-care group, a full-time psychologist and a physician helped manage the patients' care and the primary care doctors participated in two 90-minute pain workshops.
Likewise, primary care doctors are seeing similar phenomena and increasingly there are organizations such as Physician Care Direct and the American Academy of Private Physicians which are setup to transition a primary care practice into a model that can be described as two parts Marcus Welby, one part Steve Jobs.