The primary care trust is expected to release more details at a news conference.
Mid-Essex Primary Care Trust (PCT) came bottom of the league table for comprehensive testing in England.
But whistleblowers' concerns had not been identified by "routine management" or the primary care trust.
The consultation findings will be reported to a joint Primary Care Trust board in March.
"They should take it up in the first instance with their local primary care trust, " she said.
Findings of a public consultation will be reported to a joint Primary Care Trust board in March.
But the local primary care trust (PCT) has refused to fund the drug and offered a cheaper alternative.
But the primary care trust (PCT) says recently reduced costs in manufacturing Lucentis now make it more affordable.
Airedale Primary Care Trust said it was unable to comment on the case.
Liverpool Primary Care Trust has the highest mortality rate for lung cancer in the country, a new report claims.
But the Oxfordshire Primary Care Trust and Oxford Radcliffe Hospitals will fund them for another year and a half.
Meanwhile a third investigation is being launched jointly by Westminster Council and Inner North West London Primary Care Trust.
Chair of Bolton Primary Care Trust, Pam Senior, has become an MBE for services to healthcare and the community.
The primary care trust has been disbanded but was in charge of the decision at the time of Molly's treatment.
Following today's reports on BBC News, the practice manager has been removed from their duties by the Primary Care Trust.
The consultation closes on 31 January and its findings will be reported to a joint Primary Care Trust board in March.
The "health week" sessions will be run by Reading Community Learning Centre, Berkshire West Primary Care Trust and Reading Borough Council.
Hannah's case made the headlines when Herefordshire Primary Care Trust took legal advice following her decision not to have a heart transplant.
North Somerset Primary Care Trust said its future financial situation was not strong enough to allow it to continue with the scheme.
The local primary care trust has since agreed to reimburse the family.
Services are commissioned directly by the Primary Care Trust (PCT), NHS Hertfordshire.
The NHS does not provide any national guidance for funding such cases - it depends solely on the individual primary care trust (PCT).
There will also be a service director for joint health and care commissioning funded by both the council and the primary care trust.
Health managers at the county's primary care trust said out of 25, 000 25 to 29-year-olds offered the test, 14, 000 have not had it.
Dr Beesley will be a leading GP in the Brighton and Hove clinical commissioning group when the primary care trust is abolished next month.
Campaigners are urging West Suffolk Primary Care Trust to abandon proposed cuts at the West Suffolk Hospital in Bury St Edmunds and Newmarket Hospital.
BBC: NEWS | UK | England | NHS change protesters go on march
He said he would be writing to the chief executive of North Yorkshire and York Primary Care Trust with his concerns about the case.
The local primary care trust, which oversaw the hospital at the time, failed to put in place a system which would pick up problems.
The primary care trust, which is in charge of commissioning local health services, had to decide if the treatment, Herceptin, was worth the cost.
BBC: The NHS drugs bill has risen by 46% in the last five years
Earlier, Michael Whitworth, the chief executive of the primary care trust, said all the required checks had been carried out with the General Dental Council (GDC).