In some instances, coverage may include discounts for cell phone service instead of land lines at primary residences because realistically, cell phone service is less expensive in some areas than traditional service.
As handsets become more capable from battery and speed perspective, the migration of customers using the cell phone as a primary source of engagement is increasing quarter over quarter exponentially.
This might be tied to the fact that African-Americans and Hispanics are more likely than whites to rely on their cell phones as their primary or exclusive phones for calling and for Internet access.
Imani, who was a pupil at Fircroft Primary School in Tooting, suffered from sickle cell anaemia and had been given permission by the school for her extended trip to Jamaica.
Eventually, he began to study an antibody called Ibalizumab that was designed to block HIV from attaching to CD4, the primary receptor used by the virus to infect a cell.
But it does not seem to have occurred to Sony that IBM would sell key parts of the Cell before it was complete and to Sony's primary videogame-console competitor.