Mr. PATRICK MOSCARITOLO (President and CEO, Greater Boston and Visitors and Convention Bureau): Interestingly enough for a destination that views its primary selling message as culture, arts, universities, history, what we're finding is almost a third of our overseas visitors are coming here, specifically, to shop.
NPR: Low Dollar Draws European Shoppers to U.S.
Furthermore, in light of the threat posed to T'boli culture and cultural traditions due to the influences of urbanisation, educating women will enhance the capacity of indigenous people to preserve their culture, principally because women as the primary childcare givers, will be empowered to socialise their children into their culture from an informed position.
UNESCO: Alternative Community Education Programme (ACEP)
The legal frameworks of the ethnic-racial issue in Brazil will be presented as well as the experiences with elaboration of pedagogical material about African and African-Brazilian History and Culture for teachers working in primary education.
UNESCO: International Seminar discusses Education on Ethnic-racial Relations | United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization
This tendency is now so strong that many people in the creative industries see open innovation as a primary threat to their professions and are looking for a new, more protective culture around open innovation.
FORBES: Oscars Over, Zuckerberg Winklevoss Twins Dispute Holds Urgent Lessons for Open Innovation and Ideas Economy
However, 73% of Fellows said that cultivating other people to become changemakers is the primary focus on their work. 66% of Ashoka Fellows are specifically changing the culture and social norms around changemaking enabling people to identify and solve social problems.
FORBES: Getting More People To Become Problem-Solvers This Halloween And Why That Matters
But Breyer explained that it is part of the culture in a different way from Silicon Valley, where technological success is the primary aim, with the financial success the secondary bit.
FORBES: Superstar Venture Capitalist Jim Breyer Is Super Bullish On China