The primary election is on Sept. 10 and the general election is on Nov. 5.
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The primary election was Tuesday, but the vote was so close it may take weeks to declare a winner.
Bill Bradley, whom Mr Gore eviscerated in the primary election, bestowed his backing.
Mr Weiner faces several rivals for the Democratic mayoral nomination, which will be decided at a primary election in September.
The insurgent candidate must now win, or come very close, in the next primary election: South Carolina on February 19th.
Polls indicated he would lose heavily in a Republican primary election to Marco Rubio, who is backed by tea partyers.
But his reason for leaving -- he faced an unwinnable primary election next year -- is no cause for soul searching.
On paper, the parties are committed to a primary election in late May, to choose a single candidate for the presidency.
House of Representatives on Thursday five days before the state's primary election.
It also suggests that the removal process has been going on during a "90-day quiet period" prior to the August 14 primary election.
The Likud's primary election, by contrast, will enable the entire rank-and-file to choose between Mr Netanyahu and the incumbent party leader, Ariel Sharon.
The health secretary is far more capable than any of Labour's three other declared hopefuls of beating Mr Livingstone in a primary election.
They're proposing a ballot initiative for next June's statewide primary election that would award electoral votes based on the winner of each congressional district.
Mr. ESQUIVEL: I've been explaining this for a long time to my readers that a caucus and a primary election are very different situations.
Chicago's powerful Mayor Daley has thrown his support behind Mrs Moseley-Braun, thus helping to scare off challengers to her in the party's primary election.
PRI's first national primary election, in which 8m Mexicans voted last Sunday, marks an innovation, and another welcome step in Mexico's tortuous evolution to democracy.
New Hampshire still conducts the first primary election on January 22.
And this is why the innovations of the primary election matter.
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Koch lost the 1989 Democratic primary election to Manhattan Borough President David Dinkins, who would go on to win election as New York's first black mayor.
The last time the Chicago area had a special primary election for Congress was 2009 after Rahm Emanuel left his seat to take a job as White House chief of staff.
Another memory, of ancient vintage, occurred the week before the hard-fought 1977 primary election against Mario Cuomo, when Mr. Koch's dad, Louis Koch, gave an interview to the Soho Weekly News.
Under the bipartisan act, interest groups were banned from airing adverts that named a candidate for office in the 60 days before a general election and 30 days before a primary election.
After news articles in the local and national media, a few debates with her Democratic opponents and some number crunching, they realized that she will breeze through the primary election on April 3.
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Mexico's ruling party, the PRI , announced that it would hold an open primary election in November to choose its presidential candidate, breaking a long tradition in which incumbent Mexican presidents have chosen their successors.
Though the popular vote between the two candidates remained close throughout the Primary election campaign, Mr Obama's momentum built and by 3 June 2008 he had secured enough delegates' support to become the Democrats presumptive nominee.
The indictment unsealed Wednesday in the Bronx against Nelson Castro alleges he lied under oath during a civil proceeding concerning his eligibility for placement on the ballot in a primary election for the 86th Assembly District in 2008.
Landrieu becomes the first white mayor to govern the majority-African-American city in some 30 years. (His father, Moon Landrieu, was the last white mayor.) And he does it after winning all but one precinct in the primary election.