For a more accurate measurement of primary care workforce production, the percent reported by medical schools of graduates that match AND STAY in primary care should be utilized for the general public to truly understand how these medical schools are performing in regards to primary care workforce.
People who benefit from the more-intensive primary care provided by medical home practices spend 25%-60% less on hospitals, emergency care, advanced imaging, etc.
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Michiel L. Bots of the Julius Center for Health Sciences and Primary Care University Medical Center Utrecht, Netherlands, who has worked on similar studies and James H.
If medical care is truly to be driven back to primary care we need to arm the waiters of medicine with purposefully designed tools and training to resolve ambiguity, aid diagnosis and inform therapy in the exam room.
Little wonder the number of U.S. medical school students pursuing primary care dropped by half between 1997 and 2007.
Friday when he got a call from a primary-care practitioner at Westchester Medical Center asking him to accept a patient transfer for emergency coronary surgery.
The medical payment system makes primary care a sweatshop.
FORBES: How Entrepreneurs Can Prosper From The Health Care Crisis
And so part of the bill was to, through loan forgiveness programs and other mechanisms, make it more enticing for young medical students to go into primary care, build up the pool of primary care physicians.
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WellPoint officials said they think the company's upfront investment in primary care could reduce its projected medical costs by as much as 20% by 2015 by improving overall patient health and reducing the need for costlier medical services.
Many of the schools under development are making a bigger push to educate future primary care physicians, which will be in greater need to improve the quality of medical care and lower costs by keeping patients out of the more expensive hospital setting.
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Roughly 40% of medical school students enter in a primary-care related field such as Internal Medicine.
At the heart of their effort to revive primary care, is the Patient Centered Medical Home led by an IBMer and physician, Dr. Paul Grundy.
So even if they are in the ER for a real emergency, they will be referred to an appropriate primary care facility or patient-centered medical home before they leave.
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When it comes to health care, we've invested in supporting health centers, and recruiting more primary care providers and nurses and other medical professionals to fill the shortage left by Katrina.
The additional paying customers with what many believe will be a pent up demand for medical care service are already expected to stress the health care system, putting more pressure on primary care doctors like internists and family doctors.
Meanwhile, survey data from the Massachusetts Medical Society indicate that the state's primary-care providers are being squeezed.
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Some experts argue that rather than fund additional residencies, Medicare should find ways to channel more U.S. medical students away from specialty fields and into primary-care medicine in rural areas.
Robert Flores, the group's medical director of population health management, says primary care physicians use the team to help them manage patients at high risk of hospitalization or re-hospitalization who can't easily get to a doctor's office.
Keep in mind, also, that I think primary care is crucial to offering high quality, affordable medical services to people.
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They have been a major backer of One Medical Group which has had great success with their primary care model.
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When reviewing this data, it is impossible for these medical schools to advertise these percentages of graduates that are entering primary care when in actuality, it may not end up being that close.
The analysis of physician pay by the Medical Group Management Association indicates a greater shift to lower-cost primary care as employers, insurance companies and government health programs try to provide financial incentives to health professionals who work in outpatient care settings.
Young adults often fall into a medical void after they leave their pediatrician and don't have a primary-care doctor until their 30s or 40s, which worries many health-care experts.
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An incorrect diagnosis usually occurs in the offices of primary-care doctors, many of whom haven't received adequate education in medical school about rising rates of Type 1 in adults and how to diagnose it.
Lee, previously a founder at health application company Epocrates, has overseen the development of a One Medical iPhone app, website and company-specific electronic medical record all for the sake of preserving the most valuable ingredient in primary care: time.
Obamacare promotes the creation of patient centered medical homes, a move toward prevention and wellness, and rebuilding of our primary care system.
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But in August he became one of the first primary care doctors affiliated with North Shore-Long Island Jewish Health System to adopt computerized medical records.
Health care policy experts are increasingly recommending that medical school should be free for students that agree to forgo the specialties and become primary care physicians.
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Beyond this, the secretary of health and human services will determine the number of training positions (internships, residencies) in each medical specialty, ensure that at least half of all new doctors are trained in primary care, and increase the diversity of the health care work force by giving special incentives to minorities.
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If managed-care programs would pay for drug treatment assessment, counseling and referrals by primary-care doctors, rather than waiting for the problem to get serious enough to require specialized medical treatment, the costs would be lowered for everyone, says Eric Gopelurd, a clinical psychologist at George Washington University's Department of Health Policy.