Shanghai Daily and Beijing News say a primary school teacher in Shenzhen city stamped pupils on the forehead to show who was a good student and who was a bad student.
He added that Mr Valle had tried to contact possible victims, including a primary school teacher.
The court heard she suffered only one episode related to mental health, when she complained of "work stress" as a primary school teacher in 2001.
Mrs Cable, a retired primary school teacher, was one of four Gold Commanders during the city's major events.
BBC: New Year Honours: London list includes Games first aider
Mr Thorley is the head teacher of a primary school in Pembrokeshire.
He had had a case in his own constituency involving a primary school head teacher, in which the courts had decided finally had no substance.
BBC: NEWS | UK | Education | Teachers want to sue accusing pupils
Mrs Ward, a former primary school teacher from Doncaster, said that six in ten children who were classed as poor lived in families where someone worked.
Diane Lang, a mother and primary school teacher, said they were aimed not only at "bad" parents.
Ms Mayawati, a former primary-school teacher, is known for her love of diamonds and dalit-sized garlands of banknotes.
Beth Pope, a teacher at Goddard Park Primary School in Swindon, said the film was appropriate for "some children".
But Tim, a teacher at Chew Magna Primary School, Bristol, UK, regularly travels with his pupils into entirely different digital worlds with his children - worlds that are mystical, musical, and eerily beautiful lands.
The tests are the same for both primary and secondary school teacher trainees, who must also have achieved a grade C or above in GCSE maths and English.
The Hitchin primary school teacher, who has never been missing before, left home to calm down after a routine family disagreement, police said.
In particular, the impact of a good reception teacher can still be seen at the end of primary school.