Back in 2002, Agrawal and two of his graduate students attained hero status by solving a math problem that folks had been working on since the ancient Greeks: How to tell for sure if a number is prime relatively quickly, without having to check all possible factors of the number.
California's fishing industry was dismayed about the number of prime fishing spots that will be put off limits.
Unlike Dr Agrawal's method, and its slower predecessors, these sometimes make mistakes, falsely attesting that a number is prime.
He used a 2.4 GHz Pentium 4 Windows XP computer running for 14 days to prove the number was prime.
BBC: NEWS | Science/Nature | Largest Prime Number discovered
This deal will bring the total number of Prime instant videos to more than 11, 000 movies and TV shows later this fall.
ENGADGET: Amazon Prime getting Fox content, adding the Bluth family to its streaming offerings
Having looked at those companies back then I can clearly say that the solutions were not ready for prime time for a number of reasons.
FORBES: How To Profit From Apple's iWatch, Nike's FuelBand and Google's Glass
So the obvious way to find out whether a number is prime is to try dividing it by all numbers which are smaller than its square root.
These deals bring the total number of Prime Instant Videos to more than 17, 000 movies and TV episodes from partners such as CBS, Fox, NBCUniversal, Sony, Warner Bros.
This will bring the total number of Prime instant videos to 12, 000 by the end of this year, more than doubling the Prime instant video title count since its launch.
ENGADGET: Amazon Prime Instant Video expands its library with even more video from PBS
And I wonder if you discussed with Prime Minister to reduce the number of the diplomats.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama��s Press Conference with Prime Minister Maliki | The White House
It is currently a monarchy and though there is a parliament, the king, currently King Mswati III, appoints the prime minister and a certain number of representatives.
FORBES: Government Suggests Taxing Witchdoctors Might Help Save Economy
Sub-prime lenders have grown in number, and though they compete with each other for new customers, they do so by spending money on marketing and door-to-door salespeople, not by offering lower prices.
ECONOMIST: Lawmakers, state and federal, are mounting an attack
Obviously, if Congress goes further -- with or without a budget summit endorsement of still further defense cuts -- there is every reason to believe that the relatively small number of key prime contractors still in the defense business will decline as well.
If certain conditions are satisfied, the number is definitely not prime.
As the head of the Greater London Council (GLC) in the 1980s, Livingstone earned the moniker "Red Ken" for standing up to Conservative Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher on a number of issues.
The prime minister said the British contribution would number "in the tens, not the hundreds".
And number two, the Italian Prime Minister, the new Prime Minister indicated today he may be coming to the White House next month.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama Speaks on Confirming Richard Cordray
Since our story ran, Univision's average number of young viewers during prime time has risen from 738, 000 to 974, 000, while Telemundo fell 11% to 107, 000.
There were clear signs that his number was up when the prime minister first appointed Lord Macdonald to the transport brief in the summer cabinet reshuffle.
British Prime Minister Gordon Brown will attend a number of sessions, with his predecessor Tony Blair one of this year's co-chairs along with Henry Kissinger.
Even Gordon Brown, who as a young Labour MP wrote an anti-Thatcher polemic called "where there's greed", was delighted to welcome her on the steps of Number 10 when he became prime minister.
The latter has been a constant problem since the trial actually began six years ago but was delayed several times, including a number of years while the Prime Minister enjoyed immunity (he served three times: 1994 to 1995, 2001 to 2006 and 2008 to 2011).
FORBES: Berlusconi Sentenced For Tax Fraud, On Trial For Sex Crimes
Amazon Prime is a membership service that brings a number of benefits to subscribers.
FORBES: Amazon Looking To Convert UK Prime Members to Kindle With Book Lending Library
Prime Minister David Cameron denied the low-number of voters means the PCC role lacks a popular mandate.
BBC: Police commissioners: Poll challenge too great - Michael
They include the Foreign Minister, Silvan Shalom, the former prime minister, Simon Peres, and a number of senior business-people.
The official line out of Number 10 is now that the prime minister was suggesting government should "show the lead" in reducing its borrowing.
The deputy prime minister claimed his government had increased the number of jobs in Scotland - with the help and had implemented other employment schemes to alleviate problems of unemployment.
BBC: NEWS | Programmes | BBC Parliament | Prime Minister's Questions
Nick still gets 33% more viewers per day (1.6 million to 1.2 million for Disney), but Disney now is the number one basic cable channel in prime time among "tweens, " ages 9 to 14.
Dr. Billal has pioneered establishment of a number of institutions including the ISESCO Center for Promotion of Scientific Research (ICPSR), Islamic Citation Centre (ISC), Islamic Body on Ethics of Science and Technology (IBEST), Islamic Network of Women Scientists (INWS) and launched a number of projects and strategies of prime importance for the promotion of science and technology in the Islamic World.
The actual number of people nominated, and the number per party is decided by the prime minister.