According to the Army statement, the resignation of Kenneth A. Steadman, principal deputy in the Army's Office of Legislative Affairs, followed his decision to accept responsibility for distributing the talking points defending the Crusader to Congress.
The other half of the time I spent in the principal's office, unable to explain anything.
Other supporters of the prime minister are calling for Mr Fini, the principal cause of Mr Berlusconi's weakening grip on office, to resign as speaker of the lower house.
Jeff Walters is a principal in the Shanghai office of The Boston Consulting Group.
"Everything that has been in any bill that has been passed by the House or Senate is fair game and is at high risk of being done, " warns Clint Stretch, managing principal for tax policy in the Washington office of Deloitte Tax.
In a more technical vein, I came across this summary of tax law wrinkles for business owners from Carolyn Linkov, a principal in the New York City tax office of ParenteBeard.
At the main office of Fischer Elementary School in the Algiers neighborhood, principal Dahme Bolden is in the middle of a drama that's being replayed all over this city.
And the Office of Management and Budget within the Executive Branch is the principal actor when it comes to assessing these things.
It all began when a student at Monarch High School in suburban Denver was hauled into the principal's office on suspicion of smoking cigarettes on school grounds.
The principal benefit of this announcement for RT appears to have been that it was not cleared with the Wales Office in advance and was therefore guaranteed to get up the Secretary of State's nose.
He demanded the removal from office of the previous president, Ratu Sir Kamisese Mara, the country's principal post-independence leader.
For all that the Solicitor General serves as the public face of the office, and as an important senior political appointee, the career employees act as its principal representatives to the Court.
Madoff, 70, operated the advisory business separately from his Bernard L. Madoff Investment Securities, a securities broker dealer with its principal office in New York City, the Department of Justice said.