Human sources come principally from the burning of fossil fuels such as coal, oil and gas.
Esterline Technologies Corporation is a specialized engineering and manufacturing company principally serving aerospace and defense markets.
Liuwa is known principally for being on the trail of a massive annual migration.
But the British reputation as the world center of horology rested principally on innovation.
Anti-fraud measures, principally chip-and-pin, are showing success in other areas once regarded as a big problem.
The Obama campaign replied principally by trying to change the subject back to Bain.
The former will be exercised principally on external objects, as war, peace, negotiation, and foreign commerce.
Shahabpur receives only occasional visits from the station's semi-trained constables, who are principally shake-down merchants.
Labour countered by rubbishing the Tories' savings proposal, saying that it would principally benefit better-off savers.
So I'm afraid the outcome in Iraq is no longer principally in our hands.
ZMA, which is composed principally of zinc, magnesium, and vitamin B6, is a legal, over-the-counter supplement.
Eisenhower also commissioned the Saturn V rockets, principally to launch multi-tonne satellites for spying.
BBC: What if the Soviet Union had beaten the US to the Moon?
Mr Portillo is under no such inhibition so he hangs his argument principally on sovereignty.
He would visit and measure the customer at home, principally around Chesterfield and Bakewell.
" Furthermore, he characterized President Clinton's approach to fighting terrorism as "principally one of prosecuting terrorists.
The case principally concerns former Chancellor Helmut Kohl's secret slush funds, which were funded by as-yet-undisclosed sources.
They will write the next chapter in Iraqi history, and they will be principally responsible for it.
The rise was principally because of the increase in the number of women on-line, the company said.
In recent years, the focus has been principally on finding new and larger sources of petroleum globally.
That is principally because economic uncertainty in South Korea has had a knock-on effect in Sri Lanka.
Indeed, the vote is principally the product of two major mistakes committed by Clinton and his senior advisers.
Nonprofit lenders learned that poor women, principally because they had children to take care of, are more responsible.
Britain's investment banks (principally Barclays Capital) will be held to the same equity capital standards as international peers.
Almost all these frozen pensioners live in the Commonwealth - principally in Australia, Canada, New Zealand and South Africa.
But being encased in glass presents its own problems, principally overheating, so a powerful air-conditioning system was quickly added.
Are these factors for which we should hold doctors and hospitals principally responsible?
FORBES: 5 Myths in Steven Brill's Opus on Health Costs--Part 1
Council leader Adrian Hardman said it would be "principally backroom jobs" that will go at County Hall in Worcester.
BBC: Worcestershire County Council is to cut another 650 jobs
And that was meant to be an exaggeration --- but practically and principally.
By concentrating principally on short-run aggregate demand, the book understated the importance of the causes of long-run economic growth.
That slender hope rests principally on reform of the judiciary and court system.