It has more listed sukuk, which are bond-like investment certificates based on Islamic principles, than anywhere else.
But the bill is largely consistent with the principles he has laid out repeatedly.
The other savings came from standardizing our manufacturing processes and implementing lean manufacturing principles.
Minushika set up an experiment to demonstrate principles of Mendelian inheritance in white clover.
But that would have been contrary to Johnson Controls' business principles and cultural environment.
FORBES: An interview with Stephen Roell, CEO of Johnson Controls.
On the contrary, he says, many Democrats who won on Tuesday embraced those same principles.
The concept was simple: principles were ideas that because of their nature rarely if ever changed.
FORBES: How To Build A Healthy Economy: Q&A With Social Entrepreneur Ron Schultz
It remains that if we cling to outdated principles no matter how clever our models we change nothing.
FORBES: How To Build A Healthy Economy: Q&A With Social Entrepreneur Ron Schultz
The gradual-exposure principles are part of the program that helped Georgiann Steely at Mayo's teen clinic.
WSJ: Exposure Therapy Plays Bigger Role in Treating Teen Anxiety
Her conviction to stand by the principles over rode her fear of the consequences.
They have discovered that some principles are non-negotiable in their relations with Islam, particularly women's rights.
America's institutions are built on principles of liberty, they claim, therefore defending them means defending liberty.
Self-regulation of media and journalism is a generally accepted way to apply ethical principles.
The principles of mindfulness are simple: tune in to the present, observe yourself in it.
Pages 6 and 7 identifies what principles the group was able to agree on.
FORBES: House Judiciary Subcommittee's First Copyright Hearing
Example: The principles of standard quantum mechanics suggested that OLED screens could never be super energy-efficient.
You must answer questions, but do so with an agenda and a framework of operating principles.
Once these principles are consistently implemented, disruptive innovation from within not only becomes possible.
Such principles are still alien to the IMF, which is why it remains a global menace.
Against Obama, McCain will have to win the war of principles, not of personalities.
Deferred taxes are one of the main reasons to hate Generally Accepted Accounting Principles.
Several emerging organizations use crowd-sourcing principles to turn businesses into drivers of social good.
Shamefully, many charities even subvert their core principles so as to qualify for federal subsistence.
The firm is also developing a vaccine using similar principles to combat nicotine addiction.
However Mr Mcletchie confirmed his party too would back the general principles of the bill.
Their new seat will just permit them to further undermine the principles underpinning global trade.
No person running for president can avoid compromising somewhat on his or her principles.
This presumably makes protectionism inconsistent with the principles of low taxes and limited government.
It's time that we get back to some core principles that united Republicans in the past.
If the new foundation becomes a reality, members should keep three principles in mind.