Many eras also proclaimed storytelling's demise: the advent of the printing press, radio, television, the Internet.
When we talked to him, he was being threatened with the shutdown of his printing press.
Although rare now, hand-crafted Bibles were common before the invention of the printing press.
The tribe obtained a printing press in 1828 to publish the bilingual newspaper, the Cherokee Phoenix.
On the other hand, shortly before our show starts, Gutenberg invented the printing press.
Gutenberg's 15th-century printing press revolution succeeded in putting software at the center of the world.
Perhaps most important, it has a printing press with no lock on the door.
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Remember, the Fed has the printing press and will print enough monies to cover losses.
In the 1780s, the Continental Congress financed the Revolutionary War with the printing press.
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The printing press, pizza cutter, writing, paper, all can be thought of as being inventions worthy.
From the development of agriculture, to the printing press, to the telegraph and electrification of the nation.
There is no instance in all of history when printing press money actually turned around a correction.
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Roberto Irineu, now 52, started working at the O Globo printing press when he was just 16.
It takes some kind of guts to claim your invention rivals the brilliance of the printing press.
Bretton Woods thinks the printing press will slow at the Fed in the second or third quarters.
North America's first printing press began operation in Cambridge, Massachusetts, in 1639, nineteen years after the Mayflower landing.
Many non-Western literatures were stagnant before Western fiction, the modern printing press and the bookstore made significant inroads.
If the printing press ushered in the Age of Enlightenment, the internet brought us the Age of Entitlement.
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Xerox figured out how to let everyone be a one-button printer, and killed the small printing press manufacturers.
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Short -term U.S. bonds at zilch interest makes them effectively cash, ready to come off the printing press.
Once central bankers are finally forced to confront the inflation they created, they throttle back on the printing press.
The program recently helped Mark Andy, a specialty printing press maker in St.
Do they need that much conservatism when the U.S. has a printing press?
It was the widespread use of the printing press that changed all that.
"Rape and murder predate the printing press by a long way, " she said.
The restriction had another purpose: making it impossible for the federal government to finance its activities with a printing press.
In the last century, 20 countries ended up with hyperinflations by using the printing press to avoid taking fiscal responsibility.
Transformative inventions--the printing press, steam engine, telegraph, automobile, airplane, radio and television, computer and Internet and so on--require constant investment.
Whether those units of currency come from taxes or a printing press or more debt (through rolling over) is irrelevant.
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The obvious answer is that the central banks are trying to solve all the worlds problems via the printing press.