But hopes for a strong private-sector recovery are undermined by the data on credit growth.
He says it's the best private-sector plan he has seen for a hydrogen economy.
We have been creating private-sector jobs for 30 straight months, 4.6 million private-sector jobs.
None of this looks like a source of swift relief for the private-sector banks.
She also points out that private-sector entrepreneurship takes different forms in different regions of the country.
Kuwait has both a public-sector and a private-sector middle class, but they are totally separate.
The emirate also has a thriving private-sector middle class, but it consists almost entirely of foreigners.
Wallman's is a private-sector solution to a problem he first encountered as a regulator.
Meanwhile, some private-sector groups are working on their own sets of (weak) collective-action clauses.
Mr Koizumi has a penchant for appointing private-sector folk to head up public institutions.
Since September, India's government has taken steps to reduce its spending and boost private-sector investment.
Few college grads sought, or even were offered, courses aimed at landing private-sector jobs.
Politicians get away with denouncing reality and blaming it on executives and other private-sector powers.
This is not the first proposal to federalize private-sector research and development of pharmaceuticals.
Private-sector wage cuts needed to restore Greece's competitiveness will make things worse in the short term.
But if sky-high private-sector debt is holding the economy back, what is the solution?
They could turn to the public clinics, except that they're not equipped to handle private-sector patients.
The drug companies are forbidden to charge any more than they charge private-sector insurers.
For a while, a productivity boom has transformed private-sector performance over the past two decades.
But private-sector involvement has also been harmed by the patchy record of private providers to date.
Generally, private-sector remuneration should not be an area in which governments have much of an involvement.
This exposure is shared among state banks and at least one private-sector giant, ICICI.
The banks being probed are the three largest private-sector lenders in India by assets.
That borrowed money is invested aggressively, just like a private-sector employee would in his 401(k).
We've had 31 straight months -- most of this presidency -- of private-sector job growth.
Private-sector employment rose by 38, 000 in May, according to the ADP jobs report.
Labyrinthine regulations, punitive taxation and wage distortions destroy the ability to create private-sector jobs.
WSJ: Arthur Brooks: Republicans and Their Faulty Moral Arithmetic
James founded SiliconSlopes.com, a private-sector initiative that promotes the interests of high-tech in Utah.
Government surpluses help the economy grow: In fact, surpluses represent a net drain on private-sector income.
And talk of a rival private-sector bid (see article) has so far got nowhere.