The 1990s boom, when recruiters competed head-on with the private sector of the economy, was the hardest.
That, more than anything, would help the private sector become the engine of the economy it is meant to be.
"This is a welcome second month of growth in the private sector of Scotland's economy following the winter downturn, " he said.
With consumption declining and investment flat, net exports are the only private sector source of support for the economy.
Banque de France Governor Christian Noyer said at the weekend that predictions that fiscal tightening would cause European growth to tip over the edge have been proved to be ill-judged and outweighed by the rise of private sector confidence lifting the economy back to a healthy growth rate.
The private-sector economy now accounts for more than half of the economy.
Investors are also waiting for more data to better assess the health of the U.S. private sector as the weaker-than-expected growth of the U.S. economy largely stemmed from lower government spending.
Moody's marked down the UK's credit rating from AAA to AA1 on Friday, the first time this had happened since 1978, blaming the state of the global economy and the impact of public and private sector retrenchment.
Subsequent studies will study the impacts of business travel, as well as the effect of travel on private sector development, local communities and the US economy.
According to data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics and the Bureau of Economy Analysis, private-sector pay in right-to-work states grew by 12% over the last decade.
Repeat the exercise for a large group of publicly traded corporations and you can get an overall default rating for a country's private sector or for one segment of the economy.
To the contrary, I believe that we have arrived at a point where money printing and government stimulus have replaced manufacturing and private sector productivity as the foundation of our economy.
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He said that with the global economy still struggling, "there are limits to the ability of domestic policy to stimulate private sector demand as the economy adjusts to a new equilibrium".
This latest expansion of Scotland's private sector economy was broadly in line with the rate of growth seen at the UK level.
In other words, no matter what the state of the economy, companies in both the private and public sector continue to merge and acquire as a pathway to growth and increased shareholder value.
The city's unemployment rate (6.4%) is lower than the national average, and the plethora of public sector jobs insulate it against the weak private economy.
At the same time government spending has increased as a share of the economy, private sector activity has necessarily declined in proportion.
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Governments have to tax the private sector in order to spend, but taxes distort the allocation of resources in the economy.
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The economy has added a total of 3.2 million private sector jobs over the last 22 months.
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As markets digest the positive surprise provided by the ADP employment numbers, which showed that 217, 000 private sector jobs were added to the economy ahead of the all-important non-farm payroll report by the Labor Department on Friday, planned layoffs reached an 11-month high on February, with the number increasing for a second consecutive month, giving investors reasons to be concerned.
This morning, we learned that in the month of September, our economy gained 64, 000 jobs in the private sector.
There has been virtually no growth in the private sector economy amid manufacturing job losses, according to a report by the Bank of Scotland.
The bulls hope that the economy can escape from this trap by the simple expedient of private-sector growth.
We have seen nine months of positive private sector job increase and job growth after a recession that started in December of 2007 and saw the economy shed jobs through I believe October or November of 2009.
But what we can do is promote a strong, dynamic private sector -- the true engine of job creation in our economy.
The great American middle class, which has the most to lose when Big Government supplants the private sector, will be energetically demanding some of the very policies that will crush the life out of the economy.
Since net stock of private savings is larger than the net stock of public sector liabilities, Koll reckons that the overall effect on the economy would be positive.
Still, that leaves a roughly 280, 000 increase in the number of people working full-time for a private sector employer during the past two years, when the economy has been weak, at best.
This dismal scenario would have had wreaked carnage on private sector activity and also the longer term supply performance of the overall economy.
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U.S. companies beginning to get into the mix in Burma, which we think is good for our own economy, but also is also going to be good for the development of a private sector within Burma that can create a broader base of prosperity in a country where the government controlled so much of the economy in the past.