But he still found a way to brush his teeth, one pleasure amid the privation.
As the US propped up dictators, their subjects fumed under the chains of state terror and economic privation.
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Mr. Streit's generosity brought new insight into the two conditions unleavened bread is meant to symbolize: privation and freedom.
Extreme privation did not prevent tens of thousands of defiant supporters in Gaza this week from celebrating Hamas's founding.
Who can object to the goal of dramatically reducing hunger and privation that afflicts hundreds of millions around the world?
For them, the revolution means nothing but privation, suffering, repression and death.
The second fiction is that squeezing the rich can absolve the rank and file from privation (other than dearer fuel, tobacco and drink).
It was as though their privation was somehow genetic, transferred biologically in some sad double helix of DNA from one Zulu generation to the next.
This might suggest that, in terms of immediate privation only, it is delivery of food rather than actual growing of it that is most vital.
Meanwhile, the bulk of his people suffer privation and myriad hardships.
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The inflation, the devaluation of currency, the coming privation when banking and oil sanctions took full hold: this, and not even the election turnout, was what the Islamic Republic wished to hide from foreign eyes.
The winning half-hour documentary, presented by CNN's Bangkok-based correspondent Dan Rivers, highlighted the on-going persecution of the ethnic Rohingya people in their bid to escape terrible persecution and privation in Myanmar, formerly Burma, and in neighboring countries.
They have never known privation.
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Allow an elite group of monomaniacal thugs to subject the people trapped inside to five decades of brutal repression, privation, confiscation, and humiliation, all bolstered by relentless propaganda designed to convince victims and observers alike that this is necessary for the greater glory of the revolution.
"Without basic, systemic change for example, the elimination of the command system and collectivization, paring back the massive nomenklatura (numbering close to one million), the replacement of its worthless currency and relief from the colonial demands of the USSR Poland is doomed to continued privation, " Gaffney added.
"Without basic, systemic change -- for example, the elimination of the command system and collectivization, paring back the massive nomenklatura (numbering close to one million), the replacement of its worthless currency and relief from the colonial demands of the USSR -- Poland is doomed to continued privation, " Gaffney added.
It also means that whereas population growth may not be a global problem, it could often be a very nasty local one, causing conflict over local resources, especially water, and privation when politics (frequently) or natural disaster (occasionally) cause local scarcity or epidemic disease even within a wider world of abundance and improving health.