Like season tickets, the price of off-peak returns has been capped by government since privatisation.
Privatisation replaces democratic oversight and accountability with a contract culture that is a job creation scheme for lawyers.
But as soon as Mr Kamei took office in September, he signalled a halt to privatisation.
If passed, these regulations will let the privatisation genie fully out of the bottle.
But the cost of going slow on privatisation is not just revenue and efficiency forgone.
As a precursor to privatisation, both banks felt they had to start paying dividends again.
Not so long ago, government-controlled companies were regarded as half-formed creatures destined for full privatisation.
The reopening follows controversy over delays, costs and the future privatisation of the site.
Second, the bureaucrats say they will accept privatisation only if existing road-building plans do not change.
The unions are demanding a halt to privatisation and the entry of multi-national companies to India.
Privatisation sharpens the contrast between profitable inter-city express trains and loss-making rural and suburban ones.
Transport spokesman Bruce Crawford said a vote for the nationalists would be a vote against privatisation.
Has the Health Minister today said that she "completely rejected the privatisation of NHS services".
BBC: Yeah but no but to using the private sector in the NHS?
Critics have said this is a blueprint for privatisation and goes against government assurances.
According to Ovidiu Mesetescu, the Romanian privatisation minister, Usinor was never a serious rival.
Indeed, it seems that Mr Blair's letter had little influence on the privatisation outcome.
Much of that will come from privatisation revenues and cuts in next year's budget.
These have proved controversial, with critics - including some Lib Dems - warning of "back-door privatisation".
Critics also say the changes could signal the start of the privatisation of education in Mexico.
The privatisation, the fragmentation of the NHS is really threatening the whole integrity of the service.
Mediobanca, Italy's old wheeling and dealing investment bank, managed Telecom Italia's privatisation in 1997.
Berlin's many outdoor swimming pools might stay closed this summer in preparation for privatisation.
Few of Italy's leaders genuinely believed that privatisation was a good way to improve the economy.
Critics say the changes could signal the start of the privatisation of education in Mexico.
BBC: Mexico union head Gordillo charged with organised crime
He has overruled fractious allies on the left over illegal immigrants, Europe and privatisation.
But only 35% now think privatisation has been beneficial, down from 46% in 1998.
Their film also invites its audience to weigh up the benefits of privatisation versus public ownership.
Greater privatisation of Chicago's waste collection has been on the agenda for a while.
Many investors became accustomed and attached to certificated trading during the privatisation boom of the 1980s.
Privatisation under New Labour is more reminiscent of the Stuart kings than the Thatcher government.