Jennifer Fonstad, 33, taught in Kenya then helped privatize companies in Eastern Europe and Russia.
Privatize the production of space hardware that the private sector does best, the rockets.
FORBES: NASA, Got Space Exploration? Get Goals, Get Funding and Get Uhura.
Alternatively, if they rebel at covering the expenses of a particular program, they should privatize it.
To a certain degree they are part of government efforts to privatize state businesses and promote free-enterprise.
FORBES: GM's IPO Is Really An IGO: Initial Government Offering
And we have said we won't privatize, we won't cut benefits, we won't raise the retirement age.
The report criticizes back-tracking on the earlier (Koizumi government) decision to privatize the Japan postal savings system.
This marks the fourth dividend increase since the bid to privatize the company collapsed in December 2008.
Europe's most indebted nation has set a target to privatize 25 billion euros of these assets by 2020.
Archer's office said he was planning to continue lobbying for more flexibility for states to privatize their welfare services.
Both acts served to privatize any deregulation successes, while socializing the inevitable failures.
The government continues its efforts to reduce unemployment, to encourage direct foreign investment, and to privatize remaining state-owned enterprises.
"There are a lot of services that you don't want to privatize because they're just too important, " the mayor said.
Mr. Romney has developed a plan to partially privatize Medicare that mirrors Mr. Ryan's in most, but not all, respects.
The waivers would allow the states to privatize administration and delivery of food stamp programs for portions of the states' populations.
There's also concern over a proposal to privatize Ohio's prison food service and potentially cut back the volume or quality of meals.
They want to privatize Social Security and let individuals bear the risk.
CNN: Clinton's October 9, 2007 speech on retirement security
He also vowed to neither privatize Social Security nor cut the benefits.
People who want to privatize social security should keep that in mind.
The Thai response is a pledge to privatize its airport authority--an IPO was planned for this year but was postponed until further notice.
To wit, Congress ought to abolish the FAA and privatize the air navigation system the way that Canada and other developed countries have.
Privatize: During the 1990s, proposals to spin off commercial components of federal labs to private industry, and to allow employee buyouts, were common.
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Even if a weak pro-bailout government is formed, Greece is already behind on its obligations to privatize state industries and improve tax receipts.
George W. Bush vowed to spend his political capital after winning in 2004, but a move to privatize Social Security quickly collapsed.
Vallas knew he had to tackle the unions, but he started small, using his powers under the new state law to privatize custodial services.
Whether or not Texas ever realizes its privatization plan, other states are picking up Texas' lead in seeking to privatize their food stamp programs.
As part of the program, Cyprus will also have to raise taxes on capital gains and companies, introduce structural reforms and privatize some state assets.
Latvia, in particular, is clocking double-digit growth rates in real gross domestic product as it continues to open its markets, privatize businesses and reform courts.
Reformers want to bust unions so that they can privatize schools.
Jennifer Fonstad, 33, taught in Kenya, then helped privatize companies in eastern Europe and Russia (where she escaped kidnappers by jumping out of a moving car).
Bush then plugged his proposal to partly privatize Social Security by allowing workers to set aside some of their payroll taxes in a personal savings account.