Crime reduction charity Nacro feels opportunities for probation officers to share their load must be explored.
In his statement, the home secretary said probation officers will be asked to focus on the most dangerous criminals.
Sir Graham also said black probation officers faced discrimination within their own service.
The National Association of Probation Officers called for action to address the problem.
It's open to at-risk youth ages 16 to 22, many of whom are referred by social workers or probation officers.
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The sentence will allow Kim to continue his regular duties, although he will have to report to federal probation officers.
CNN: Kim Escapes Prison Sentence But Still Faces Ethics Panel
The next time the probation officers came by, "I tried to explain it could create problems for me, " Mr. Lewis says.
WSJ: Federal Offenses: Sewage Blunder Earns Building Engineer a Criminal Record
But his probation officers put him in an awkward position, Mr. Lewis says, by making regular spot checks at the university.
WSJ: Federal Offenses: Sewage Blunder Earns Building Engineer a Criminal Record
He also temporarily lost privacy protections, as he learned when probation officers made an unannounced 6 a.m. search of his home.
WSJ: Federal Offenses: Sewage Blunder Earns Building Engineer a Criminal Record
Harry Fletcher of probation officers' union Napo said the "astonishing" overhaul was being "rushed through without proper thought to the consequences".
Government plans to out-source much of the probation service to providers on so-called payment-by-results contracts were recently criticised by senior probation officers.
BBC: Serco and G4S face billing probe over electronic tagging
The National Association of Probation Officers (Napo) has also voiced its concerns, saying up to 750 jobs could be put at risk in Wales.
The board will have considered any reports from psychologists and probation officers and will have looked at any statistical risk assessments that have been completed.
The leading case, Alden v Maine, was brought by a group of Maine probation officers suing for back pay under a 1938 federal labour law.
Nor will they be businessmen, probation officers or voluntary sector mentors.
Mr Ritchie thinks the new rules are better, but he would rather get rid of the residency restrictions entirely and let probation officers make recommendations for each individual offender.
Ms White's biological mother, Joy White, also told probation officers that her daughter told her that Pettway had once hit her with a shoe, leaving an imprint on her face.
BBC: Ann Pettway jailed for 12 years in New York baby kidnap
The minister has told MPs that he is visiting judges, magistrates and probation officers to promote these alternatives to prison for some criminals expecting sentences of less than a year.
BBC: NEWS | UK | UK Politics | Analysis: Prison challenges ahead
But probation officers' union Napo called for the two firms to be "disallowed" from delivering services until the audit was complete, and criticised the government's "rush to privatise the probation service".
BBC: Serco and G4S face billing probe over electronic tagging
Harry Fletcher, of the National Association of Probation Officers, said the idea of mentors was "excellent" but he thought it would never happen because so many prisoners were released every year.
Boston, for instance, has seen similar falls in its murder rate, yet it rejected zero-tolerance policing in favour of close co-ordination between the police, probation officers and black leaders, and an effort to get guns off the streets.
Liberal Democrat MP Alan Beith asked the minister how to ensure the work of probation officers with prisoners could not be undermined by prisoners being moved "from prison to prison, for no good reason or for entirely administrative reasons"?
But never for too long, because I had the help and support of an amazing, unselfish and fearless committee of fellow probation officers, who on top of their fulltime workloads, stood by me, reassured me, and above all inspired me, to keep going.
In theory, Maine's probation officers still have a right to claim back pay under federal law but, like millions of others covered by this or other federal laws, they can no longer sue in either state or federal court if a state government infringes those rights.
Mr Balls said that "in the first year of practice, we put social workers in situations without proper support and probation" that newly qualified teachers, police officers or doctors would never have to face.